The increasing popularity of home and project studio recording for musicians can be partly attributed to the availability and falling price of digital recording equipment and the evolution of how modern music is made and consumed. Changes to the recording landscape have revealed a need for the modern musician to possess self-recording skills. Implementing a recording project stream into a tertiary music degree, where students actively learn recording and mixing skills and processes, has highlighted the need for directed research to better understand and facilitate such learning. Case study research into local contexts and specific local conditions—including organisational culture, learning spaces and student attributes—have been shown to have direct and positive outcomes for students and institutions. There is limited published research on incorporating technology into tertiary music education in Victoria or, more specifically, in western Melbourne. This research will contribute to existing knowledge by addressing gaps in qualitative case-study research, specifically in incorporating recording technology into a project-based music unit in contemporary tertiary music education in western Melbourne. Analysis of data collected from participants in the Bachelor of Music cohort at Victoria University contributes towards formulating recommendations for effectively designing and implementing recording technology into practical projects in a tertiary music degree. The findings from this research project provide valuable insights into student identity and agency, resourcing and the role of creativity and idiosyncrasy in music technology teaching and learning.