Recommender systems have become ubiquitous in many application domains such as e-commerce and entertainment to recommend items that are interesting to the users. Collaborative Filtering is one of the most widely known techniques for implementing a recommender system, it models user–item interactions using data such as ratings to predict user preferences, which could potentially violate user privacy and expose sensitive data. Although there exist solutions for protecting user data in recommender systems, such as utilising cryptography, they are less practical due to computational overhead. In this paper, we propose RSUC, a privacy-preserving Recommender System based on User Classification. RSUC incorporates homomorphic encryption for better data confidentiality. To mitigate performance issues, RSUC classifies similar users in groups and computes the recommendation in a group while retaining privacy and accuracy. Furthermore, an optimised approach is applied to RSUC to further reduce communication and computational costs using data packing. Security analysis indicates that RSUC is secure under the semi-honest adversary model. Experimental results show that RSUC achieves 4× performance improvement over the standard approach and offers 54× better overall performance over the existing solution.