Poly-house or Greenhouse is widely used to grow different crops under protected cultivation. In India, the use of greenhouse technology started only during the 1980s. Greenhouses are being commercially used to extend the growing season of vegetables from 3 to 8 months, to get higher yield per crop cycle, to achieve lower chemical residue, or even to grow organic crops. Tomato, capsicum and lettuce is the most widely grown crops in greenhouse systems due to its suitability for a greenhouse environment. On average, the yield of tomatoes in protected cultivation accounts for up to 3-4 kg/plant, but at the same time, it is highly prone to insect and pest infestation if proper care is not taken. With proper maintenance, some of the basic parameters like temperature, humidity, and moisture inside a poly-house can able to protect the plants from insect and pest infestation and at the same time improve the yield of crops which results in better returns and improves the quality of crops. In the proposed approach, a smart monitoring system for poly-house has been proposed, which is suitable for all kinds of crops. In this system, remotely monitoring of various parameters like temperature, humidity, and moisture by using soil moisture sensor and DHT11 sensor and also by modifying these according to the needs is performed. This system helps to improve precision and sustainability of the crops.