BacKGroUnd: the study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the thai version of the physical activity and leisure Motivation Scale (palMS-t), validated among the thai-speaking population. METHODS: With convenience sampling, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in five provinces across Thailand to evaluate the validity of palMS-t. a total of 739 university students, aged 19.0 years old (Sd=1.28) completed the palMS-t. Standard forward and backward translation was employed in translating the english language palMS to the Thai language. The data were analysed using Mplus 8 software by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The hypothesised model consisted of eight factors and 40 items, where five items represented each factor. RESULTS: Based on the CFA results, the hypothesised model resulted in a good fit to the data with acceptable levels of fit indices (RMSEA =0.061 (90% CI: 0.058, 0.063), CFI =0.921, TLI =0.907). The composite reliability was acceptable for all eight factors and ranged from 0.68 to 0.91. CONCLUSIONS: The PALMS-T is the first validated Thai version in Thailand. The hypothesised measurement model of palMS-t consisted of eight subscales, including all 40 items in the model, which was considered acceptable for the present thai sample.