The environment in which research is being conducted and disseminated is undergoing profound change, with new technologies offering new opportunities, changing research practices demanding new capabilities, and increased focus on research performance. Nevertheless, despite billions of dollars being spent by governments on R&D each year, relatively little policy attention has yet been paid to the dissemination of the results of that research through scholarly publishing. A key question facing us today is, are there new opportunities and new models for scholarly communication that could enhance the dissemination of research findings and, thereby, maximise the economic and social returns to public investment in R&D? By exploring the costs involved in scholarly communication activities and some of the potential benefits available through emerging scholarly communication alternatives, this study contributes to helping us answer this question. The study provides background information, which is intended to provide a basis for improved management of, and access to, research information, outputs and infrastructure so that they are discoverable, accessible and shareable. It also provides activity costing estimates for a range of core activities within the higher education sector that may prove useful in the management of institutional budgets and priorities.