This paper will discuss the process to develop a mission of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) at Federation Square, Melbourne. We needed to provide an interface to an interactive environment for the general public to access moving image titles on-site. We will discuss what we found to both successful and unsuccessful strategies. In summary, our approach to both the interactive and technical design was iterative; developing a base for the project and then embellishing the project with increasing layers of complexity. This approach allows us to respond to changing time-lines and to minimise risk while using new and unknown (developing) technology. Iterative design requires a flexible and well-planned project base. This paper also argues that in order to work new technology projects in cultural institutions need to be integrated with existing organisational systems. However these existing and new systems can only work if sufficiently resourced with staff-time. Potential places for "bottle-necks" in the production process will be discussed.