Problem Based Learning (PBL) has attracted wide attention ever since its inception. Literature identifies PBL as one of the best alternative pedagogy to Instructive Learning (IL), whilst challenges in assessing the success of PBL have also been widely reported. Unlike Instructive Learning wherein examination is the major assessment component, PBL has number of components at its disposal: portfolio, oral presentations, interviews, role play, position paper, peer assessment, self assessment, reflective journal and so on. In the School of Engineering and Science at Victoria University, Australia, often combinations of these assessment techniques are used to facilitate effective learning. A final summative grade is provided as a measure of student learning with appropriate formative feedback. It is to be noted that the assessments can be conducted at various times of the semester. This provides a sampling of the learning process across the semester but does not provide a continuum. Current trends of monitoring the learning process is centered around e-learning such as Wikipedia or custom designed tools. In this paper, the authors have analysed the process of learning using the (student) self assessment survey distributed at the start of the semester and the reflective journal submitted towards the end of the semester. The questionnaire focussed on PBL assessments, group work, resources, skill sets required to undertake PBL and the role of facilitators. Students were asked to provide both quantitative (rating scale 1 to 5) and qualitative feedback in the form of comments. Students were given total freedom as far as the reflective journals were concerned. Questionnaires were analysed quantitatively, whilst the qualitative comments were extracted from the reflective journal. There was a clear correlation between good reflective journals and the corresponding portfolio grades. Thus the self assessment questionnaire and the reflective journals were useful in capturing the learning process.