I see ...I hear... I do ... and I understand: building competence, confidence and pedagogical capacity through collaborative partnership Coral Cara Victoria University, Foot scray 3001 VIC, Australia Primary educators tend to avoid teaching science because they lack confidence or believe they lack competence in the pedagogy of science teaching. This can be alleviated by involving pre- service teachers (PSTs) in teaching science as literacy. By demonstrating interactive inquiry- based learning in schools, PSTs can inspire school children and practising educators to embrace science. Inquiry learning provides opport unities to experience, acquire and appraise information (Mahony, 2003). That is, by seeing, hearing, doing and understanding, all learners can build their confidence, compet ence and capacity to use science and learner- centred inquiry as a means of understanding the wo rld. This practice-based paper explores the concept of Novice as Facilitator within a project partnershi p between schools and university through a five-week buddy project in the sc hools workplace of schools (LiW), the paper illustrates that PSTs can affect their learning and that of others. .--WACE Asia Pacific Conference, 30 September-3 October 2008, Sydney