In Finland physical education is obligatory for all students in basic education (grades 1 - 9). The national curriculum of the Ministry of Education determines that in basic education the students have two hours of physical education weekly. Additionally, in grades 7 - 9 the students can choose voluntary physical education courses which are determined in local school curricula. After basic education the adolescents may choose to continue their studies in pre - university level vocational school or in upper secondary school (grades 10 - 12) , in which they have two obligatory ph ysical education courses and three voluntary courses within their three academic study years. Physical education courses in upper secondary school are regulated by the national curriculum of the Ministry of Education (National core curriculum for basic edu cation, 2004).According to the national curriculum the central aims of the physical education in basic education are to have a positive impact on student‟s physical, psychological, and social abilities and well - being, and to guide the students in understan ding the importance of exercise to health. Instruction in physical education offers the student skills, knowledge, and experience on the basis of which it will be possible to adopt a physically active way of life. All physical education teachers in seconda ry school and upper secondary school graduate from the Department of Sport Sciences in the University of Jyväskylä. The most popular sports in grades 1 - 4 of Finnish basic PE education are skating, Finnish baseball, soccer, athletics, and indoor bandy. In g rades 5 - 9 the most popular sports are Finnish baseball, basketball, athletics, ice - games, and indoor bandy. In the upper secondary school most popular sports are indoor bandy, basketball, muscle endurance training, Finnish baseball, and volleyball.