The workplace has been identified as providing a rich and rewarding source of learning for students. The provision of feedback is viewed as an integral part of assessing workplace learning or work integrated learning (WIL). However, the educational value of providing feedback to students by workplace supervisors on the full range of skills and competencies used in the professional setting has not been extensively studied. The practice of providing feedback to students from workplace supervisors clearly prevails both in Australia and more broadly in the international context, but documentation and research does not match the practice. Limited literature has been found on the process of providing feedback assessment by workplace supervisors, either formative or summative to students undertaking work-based learning. This study investigates best-practice models of industry feedback practices for WIL activities. These practices include the early involvement of students in defining goals/objectives and expectations with their supervisor; and clearly stated criteria for evaluating performance against the stated goals. The study builds on this prior literature to report desirable methods of workplace supervisor feedback that recognises ‘learning by doing’ through academic value attribution to data collected in the workplace. In particular, the study incorporates input from experienced industry supervisors in terms of defining their roles with students and academic mentors and delineating the criteria for student performance. A qualitative analysis of interviews with 25 industry supervisors of WIL students contributes to the body of knowledge on preferred modes for evaluating and reporting student performance. Sample feedback tools and guidelines which serve as models for industry supervisors are reported in the study. These feedback tools and guidelines fall within the broader context of holistic assessment processes for work integrated learning and provide educators with direction for effective engagement and feedback from industry supervisors.