Obtaining grid independent results for fires using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is a major challenge, especially when the fire is not prescribed. While simulating a fire scenario using a CFD model, most fire safety engineers use computational cell sizes that can only be supported by their computing resources which may lead to a large error. This paper presents a systematic grid independence study of using high performance computers. The widely adopted CFD package Fire Dynamics Simulator version 5.1 (FDS5) is used to obtain a grid independent result of a open-space and a set of ISO 9705 room fire experiments. The experiment involved ignition of 1-3 trays of liquid fuel and the growth and development of this fire. The study shows that to obtain grid independent solution for a open-space fire needs much higher computational requirements than for a compartment fire. The FSE09: Fire Safety Engineering International Conference: Charting the Course conference was held at Hilton on the Park, Victoria, Australia, on 18-19 March 2009