This study provides an evaluation of the potential of Taiwan's hot springs tourism sector by proposing a model of competitiveness that has broad applicability to hot springs destinations. Using the analytic hierarchy process method to generate weightings for the various elements which contribute to destination competitiveness, the study prioritizes aspects of hot springs tourism which would benefit from further development. A panel of experts commented on the relative competitiveness of hot springs tourism in Taiwan and Japan, and concluded that hot springs proprietors need to reinforce their conservation efforts and engage in the sustainable use of hot springs and surrounding environments. They noted that governments should formulate and implement strategic destination planning and development to avoid a repetition of previous mistakes. The increasing Taiwanese preoccupation with good health and longevity and Taiwan's rich endowment of high-grade natural hot springs produces a favorable environment development of the hot springs tourism sector. It also offers business opportunities to extend the appeal of hot springs tourism into health protection and medical treatment. The article concludes that Taiwan's hot springs tourism sector has a promising future, but that concerted effort will be needed to match the product offerings of its competitors.