This study evaluated the effects of osteopathic treatment (OT) on people experiencing active symptoms of Meniere's disease. As Meniere's disease is a multifactorial disease it is possible that osteopathy may directly address one or more of the factors causing Meniere's symtoms, thus providing a viable alternative or supportive treatment for this condition, which is notoriously difficult to treat. Amelioration of the symptoms of Meniere's using OT could also afford valuable new insights into the aetiology of this idiopathic condition. The results of this study show that OT has a clear and positive influence on the four defining symptoms of Meniere's by improvong the function of abnormal tissues in the head, cervical, thoracic and TMJ areas, indicating that osteopathy provides a complementary approach to orhodox treatment regimes of Meniere's. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.