This paper compares the response rates and cost effectiveness of five different methods of recruiting radio diary panel members: a mall intercept, telephone contact, a door-knock, a mailed letter with a replypaid postcard acceptance, and an unsolicited diary mail-out. While the diary mail-out achieved the best overall response rate (32%) it was the least cost-effective. In contrast, the telephone recruitment method achieved a very similar response rate (27.3%) to the diary mail-out, but was the most cost-effective overall, so would be the preferred option. The conventional door-knock was more expensive than the telephone, and produced a substantially lower response rate (18%). Neither the mall intercept nor the mail with reply-paid postcard produced satisfactory results (19.8% and 13.7% respectively). These results indicate that telephoning potential respondents is a more cost effective way of recruiting radio panel members than door knocking, mall intercept or mail.