The effect of curd washing on functional properties of low-moisture mozzarella cheese made with galactosefermenting culture was investigated. A total of 4 curd washing levels (0%, 10%, 25%, 50% wt/wt) were used during low-moisture mozzarella cheese manufacture, and cheeses were stored for 63 d at 4 ◦C and the influence of curd washing on proteolysis and functionality of low-moisture mozzarella cheese were examined. Curd washing had a significant effect on moisture and ash contents. In general, moisture contents increased and ash contents decreased with increased curd washing levels. Low-moisture mozzarella cheese made with 10% curd washing levels showed higher proteolysis, meltability, and stretchability during storage than other experimental cheeses. In general, galactose contents decreased during storage; however, cheeses made with 25% and 50% curd washing levels had lower galactose contents than those with control or 10%. L∗-values (browning) decreased and proteolysis increased in low-moisture mozzarella cheeses during storage.