Osteopaths use muscle energy techniques (MET) to reduce pain, to increase muscle length and to increase joint range of motion. Few investigations have focused on applications of MET and to date the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has been completely overlooked. This study aimed to determine the effect of a specific MET technique and therapeutic jaw exercises on pain of the temporomandibular region. This study investigated whether changes occurred immediately after application of the treatment protocol and if those changes were maintained over the following thirty minutes and one week later. Twenty one subjects with an inter-incisal range of mouth opening of less than or equal to 40mm were randomly assigned to either a TMJ exercise group, MET group or to a control group. Participants underwent either a specific isometric MET to the muscles of mandibular elevation, therapeutic jaw exercises or recieved no treatment at all. Visual Analogue Scales were used to measure perceived pain and were recorded before and after either intervention. Initially post treatment pain scores increased in those persons who participated in the TMJ exercises. All other pain scores decreased following treatment however these changes were not statistically significant. The results of this study indicated that further investigation into the effects of both MET and TMJ exercises on pain is required and to allow the full effectiveness of MET and TMJ exercises to be explored the need to conduct research on purely symptomatic patients is vital. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.