The purpose of this review was to analyse the physiological basis of repeated-sprint ability (RSA), that is defined as maximal or nearmaximal intensity bouts (i.e., at least two) of 10 s or less in duration that are intermittently reproduced with incomplete recovery periods in between (i.e., recovery is typically less than 90 s in duration). This mode of exercise represents the movement pattern of many popular team sports (e.g., soccer, basketball, handball and futsal) and some individual sports (badminton and tennis). Thus, sport scientists have suggested that RSA might be an important fitness component to succeed in these sports. This review examines the metabolic changes occurring during this type of exercise, such as energy system contribution, and assessment of various physiological and performance parameters during tests of RSA. Title in Spanish: La capacidad para repetir esfuerzos maximos intermitentes : aspectos fisiologicos (II)