Golf is a game many believe to be relatively safe due to its benign nature. According to certain studies golfers have a career incidence of injury as high as 57%. The aim of this study was to explore the injury profile of golfers from an elite golfing program at the Victorian Institue of Sport (VIS) as well as golfers representing a group of golf courses from the 'Sandbelt' region of Melbourne, Victoria. In total 106 golfers completed a questionnaire that asked for information regarding their physical stature, golfing ability and injury occurrence in the golfing season from March 2004 to March 2005. Approximately one third (38%) of the golfers who participated in this study experienced an injury of some kind over the twelve-month period. The lower back was the most common location (31.6%), whilst muscular strains were the most common type of injury (51.0%). Of the golfers who reported injuries, 65.2% reported one injury, whilst 29.0% reported two. Of the golfers in jured, 79% indicated that they required treatment foer their injury, with a visit to the physiotherapist being the most common (73%) form of treatment. Half of those injured were unable to play due to their injury (50%). It is possible to conclude from this study, along with studies performed previously, that injuries in golf do occur and that serious musculoskeletal can occur. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.