The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of Muscle Energy Technique (MET), as described by Greenman (Greenman 1996), to a static stretch of 30 seconds duration for increasing the extensibility of the hamstring muscles. Sixty-three asymptomatic participants (40 female and 23 male) were examined for hamstring extensibility using a modified active knee extension (AKE). Participants were than directed to another room where they were randomly allocated to either a 30-second static stretch or MET group. Following intervention, participants returned immediately to the examination room for AKE measurement, and then once again 30 minutes later. The results showed a mean increase of 3.55 degrees in the MET group, whereas passive stretching produced a mean increase of 2.79 degrees. Upon analysis of the data using a SPANOVA, a significant change over time in the AKE values was found, however, there were no significant differences between the the two groups over time. The between-group effect size was small. Although the measurement procedure was determined to be repeatable, modifications to the AKE methodology may have resulted in under-estimation of the error range, and raise major concerns about the validity of the measurement procedure. In the view of this methodological flaw, no conclusions can be made regarding the effectiveness of the two manual techniques. Future studies are recommended using the accepted AKE methodology. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.