The aim of this study is to establish the effect of emu oil applied topically or ingested, on grip strength, tenderness and pain on people with osteoarthritic hands. A double-blinded, placebo-controlled, repeated measures design was used to compare the effects of emu oil against a placebo (canola oil) when: (a) applied topically, (b) ingested, or (c) both topically applied and ingested. Measures of grip strength and tender joint count were undertaken at baseline and after 8 weeks of continued treatment. Visual analogue scale measures of pain were recorded at baseline, and weekly, on the same day and time each week, for 8 subsequent weeks. The results suggest that emu oil may be useful in the management of pain in people with OA of the hands. Clinically, practitioners are advised to forewarn clients that improvements might not be observed for the first 3 weeks of treatment. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.