Throughout pregnancy, the body undergoes continual musculoskeletal changes, which can be frequently associated with functional limitations and disability such as pelvic pain and low back pain, however, there is little literature regarding the role of the osteopathic profession in the treatment of the pregnant patient. The osteopath has the opportunity to contribute to the musculoskeletal system structure and function and hence influence the altered homeostasis hence reducing the patients discomfort and making the pregnancy more comfortable for the woman. This study aims to determine treatment modalities utilized by osteopaths for treatment of pregnant patient, and the rate and incorporation of patient education as part of the management of the pregnant women in NSW and Queensland. This study has highlighted that the majority of sample osteopaths surveyed treat pregnant women using similar techniques, that they don't only treat the musculoskeletal system but also provide information and support throughout the pregnancy. It has shown that the sample practitioners feel their qualifications in the field are underestimated, illustrating that the profession needs to educate not only the public but also fellow primary health care practitioners, so they are more aware of the role Osteopaths could play in the treatment of pregnant women in the future. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.