category c1 Refereed Journal Article, author - Guangyan Huang signed VUIR permission pt.13/6/12, LL 26.7.12. Yellow in Sherpa: Author's Pre-print: author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) Author's Post-print: subject to Restrictions below, author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) Restrictions: •12 months embargo Publisher's Version/PDF: author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF General Conditions: •Pre-print can only be posted prior to acceptance •Pre-print must be accompanied by set statement (see link) •Pre-print must not be replaced with post-print, instead a link to published version with amended set statement should be made •Pre-print on author's personal website, employer website, free public server or pre-prints in subject area •Post-print in Institutional repositories or Central repositories ... Unable to email Guangyan Huang, Requested (Yanchun) Accepted v & Permission 29.9.14. HERDC documentation added to dark upload - HD 24/7/20