Background A review of the breastfeeding related literature was undertaken to provide background for a qualitative study that explores how osteopaths promote effective breastfeeding. Topics considered relevant to osteopathic practice are presented with the aim of informing and stimulating discussion and further inquiry. Data Sources and Selection Information is drawn together from the following databases: Lactation Resource Centre of Australian Breastfeeding Association, Cinahl, Cochrane Library, and Medline. Qualitative and quantitative studies of all designs, government and professional association websites, and conference presentations are included as the aim is to generate a broad background on the biological and psychosocial aspects of breastfeeding that could impact on osteopathic practise. The theoretical literature is included in areas where little research is available. Conclusions A strong evidence base promotes breastfeeding as important health behaviour for a mother and baby; influenced by many complex and sensitive biopsychosocial factors. The theoretical literature and studies that have investigated the biomechanics of breastfeeding provide a rationale for osteopathic treatment to facilitate effective breastfeeding; however little supportive research has been undertaken. Further well designed studies are needed to determine the role that osteopaths might play in supporting a mother–baby dyad to successfully breastfeed.