Our work addresses issues of inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the training of nurses in computer literacy by developing an adaptive questionnaire system. This system works to identify the most effective training modules by evaluating applicants for pre-training and post-training. Our system, Systems Knowledge Assessment Tool (SKAT), aims to increase training proficiency, decrease training time and reduce costs associated with training by identifying areas of training required, and those which are not required for training, targeted to each individual. Based on the project’s requirements, a number of HTML documents were designed to be used as templates in the implementation stage. During this stage, the milestone principle was used, in which a series of coding and testing was performed to generate an error-free product. The decision-making process and it is components, as well as knowing the priority of each attribute in the application is responsible for determining the required training for each applicant. Thus, the decision-making process is an essential aspect of system design and greatly affects the training results of the applicant. The SKAT system has been evaluated to ensure that the system meets the project’s requirements. The evaluation stage was an important part of the project and required a number of nurses with different roles to evaluate the system. Based on their feedback, changes were made.