Ballet dancers are significantly predisposed to foot and ankle stress related injuries. Chronic and acute injuries relate primarily to repetitive loading of the foot and ankle during pointe work, which forms the basis of the technique in classical ballet. This study determined the differences in the peak pressure distributed under the forefoot in flat foot and in pointe position. Additionally, the study evaluated the affect of the application of gel modalities in the form of a gel sock and gel toe wedges, determining the ability to alleviate pressure under the forefoot. Fifteen female dancers aged between 18 and 25 (mean age 19 years) were examined, and local loading of the forefoot was assessed under three conditions: a) in the absence of any pressure reducing modality, b) wearing the gel toe sock and c) wearing the the gel wedges. The results revealed a significant increase in peak pressure (kPa) under the forefoot in pointe stance for the three conditions of the study. The major trend in the mean peak pressure was a decrease in peak pressure under the forefoot in pointe position when each of the gel modalities were utilised, namely the toe sock and gel wedges. According to this trend, the gel modalities tested were effective in decreasing pressure under the forefoot. The statistical analysis (one way ANOVA: p=0.05) did not show that this trend was statistically significant, thus the efficiency of the gel modalities are inconclusive. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.