Muscle energy technique (MET) and passive stretching are two manual techniques commonly used by manual therapists to increase the extensibility of muscles. This study examined the effect of both techniques to produce lasting increased hamstring muscle extensibility. 162 asymptomatic volunteers were measured for active knee extension (AKE) and randomly allocated to either a passive stretch, MET or control (no treatment) group. All participants were re-measured for AKE immediately after intervention, ten minutes after, and one hour after by an examiner who was blinded to the treatment allocation. Within-group pre-post changes were calculated using a one-way ANOVA. The MET produced a significant (MET: p=0.027, stretch: p=0.608 at one hour post) and greater mean change than the passive stretching group. The MET also produced a greater pre-post effect size (MET: d=0.95, stretch: d=0.56, control: d=0.18 at one hour post) than the passive stretching or control groups. Between-group differences were analysed using SPANOVA, and revealed that mean changes for both MET and passive stretching groups were significantly different to the control group at all stages (MET: p=0.000, stretch: p=0.015 at one hour post), but were not significantly different from each other. MET appeared to be more effective than passive stretching for increasing hamstring extensibility immediately post-treatment and still at 1 hour later. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.