Pregnancy is the period of gestation that involves profound physiological changes which together with the physical adjustments brought about by the pregnancy itself, can have considerable implications for the comfort of women during pregnancy. Backpain has been reported in 50-75% of women during pregnancy and despite this relatively high incidence, research carried out in an attempt to identify the specific cause of this type of back pain has been limited. So far the term "back pain" has not been clearly defined and can encompass different groups of pain. Recently however, these subgroups are being individually defined and classified. The aim of this literature review is to critically evaluate the research that has been carried out with reference to back pain, lumbar pain in particular and so provide a better understanding and a possible explanation behind the etiology of lumbar pain during pregnancy. This minor thesis was written by a post-graduate student as part of the requirements of the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) program.