category c1 Refereed Journal Article pt.15/6/12, author - Jocelyn Angus signed VUIR pt.15/6/12, not checked in Sherpa LL 3.9.12 Author's Pre-print: green tick author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) Author's Post-print: green tick author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) Publisher's Version/PDF: cross author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF General Conditions: Pre-print allowed on any website or open access repository Voluntary deposit by author of authors post-print allowed on authors' personal website, or institutions open scholarly website including Institutional Repository, without embargo, where there is not a policy or mandate Deposit due to Funding Body, Institutional and Governmental policy or mandate only allowed where separate agreement between repository and the publisher exists. Permitted deposit due to Funding Body, Institutional and Governmental policy or mandate, may be required to comply with embargo periods of 12 months to 48 months Set statement to accompany deposit Published source must be acknowledged Must link to journal home page or articles' DOI Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used Articles in some journals can be made Open Access on payment of additional charge NIH Authors articles will be submitted to PubMed Central after 12 months Lyn 4/8/14. Jocelyn HAS NOT signed VURR, Requested (Joselyn) Accepted v & Permission 10.9.14-MMM Additional information re conference presentation added Lyn 26/8/2020. HERDC documentation added to dark upload (full-text missing pages: 112,114,116) - HD 26/8/20