Parents of school children want to be well informed and know as much as possible about their children’s school and how their children are progressing at school. In mid-2010 in Victoria, Aus-tralia the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development launched the Ultranet, a new web-based product designed to support knowledge sharing, curriculum delivery and online learning and teaching. This paper describes the Ultranet, how it has been developed and how it is to be used to inform parents, but as the Ultranet was only beginning to come into operation in late 2010 it has not been possible to include any research findings. With its facilities to inform parents and to offer collaboration features to teachers, the Ultranet appears to be something not attempted anywhere before. The paper is thus a theoretical one discussing the Ultranet’s design and possi-bilities, and is framed by using both an Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Siemens’ Theory of Connectivism. Later papers will examine how the Ultranet performs in practice.