Inclusion in higher education has taken centre stage in Australian universities in the last decade. In this paper, we analyse inclusive practice involving international students with disabilities from non - English speaking backgrounds enrolled in one University in Australia. Our theory of inclusion articulates fundamental differences among different kinds of inclusive practice and cultures, resulting in a typology including the medical model, social constructivism, the social model of disability and the concept of 'W hole Schooling '. Each kind of theory calls on different instructional supports, policy, attitudes, and good practice in inclusive education. In doing so, we aim to inform policy and models for best practice to maximise the education al experiences of students with disabilities, and indeed, all students. The implications of the findings for lecturers, teachers and support staff implementing strategic and successful inclusion for international students with additional needs are discusse d which prompt many other unanswered research questions. These questions may challenge researchers, lecturers, staff and policy makers interested in making higher education accessible to all and in doing so, make a contribution to the discourse of inclusio n in challenging perceptions of student deficit.