This paper will re port on recent ac tivities in the Faculty of Bu siness and Law in Victoria University (VU), Australia, t hat support the transition of internati onal students many of whom have learnt English as a foreign language in a highly formal setting and who often have limited opportun ities to speak to domestic students in a social setting. The central purpose of the Faculty’ s activities is to e ngage international studen ts in extra-curricular programs that aim to improve their English proficiency, in crease their c onfidence and provide a common space for domes tic and international students to interact. Social, cultural and linguistic support be yond the classroom is necessary for academic success and a positive educational experience. This paper particularly focuses on th e Faculty’s “Have a Chat” program run by the Tr ansition officer and disc usses what happens, w ho participates and, most importantly, what international students have to say about it. ---Conference held: Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle, 28 June-1 July 2011