Since 2007, Victoria University’s Learning in the Workplace and Community (LiWC) policy has focused on enhancing the employability of VU graduates. While the Faculty of Business and Law (FoBL) at VU has a long tradition of work-integrated learning alongside a broader focus on developing students’ Graduate Capabi lities, the LiWC Policy has intensified the need for curriculum that specifically engages industry in assessment tasks. The LiWC policy requires that 25% of assessment in all courses involve learning in and through the workplace and community evidenced through LiWC -compliant assessment tasks. The university has provided considerable support for the implementation of LiWC. Academics already engaging in LiWC showcas ed their approaches. Central support staff were available for individual and School consu ltation. There were opportunities for staff to engage with the Policy and various workshops and online resources were geared to realising LiWC. Teaching and Learning Grants were li nked to improving or developing LiWC. The expansive notion of LiWC including diverse teach ing approaches was stressed so that it would not be deemed restrictive. LiWC could include live case studies, simulations, student observations of worksites, working on ‘real’ busin ess cases or role playing business situations with feedback from industry practitioners. A 2010 report (VU, 2010) evaluating the status of LiWC at VU has identified generally high levels of compliance with the policy in the F aculty of Business and Law and some areas of industry engagement in curriculum that are exem plary. As expected, the report also identified areas needing greater attention. This discussion includes the Faculty of Business and Law’s strategies for addressing areas of concern. It will describe the reporting of LiWC compliance in the Faculty, identify key reasons for non-compliance and report on the subsequent progress made in two de-identified teaching areas. The paper underlines the im portance of individual and intensive support for academic staff from educational developers who understand both the policy context and the aims of the academ ics and who can develop creative curriculum that is also LiWC compliant. The discussion will also consid er other means of incentivising academic staff to undertake curriculum changes to improve student learning outcomes.