Strategic marketing of educational institutions H su n ( Tony ) Huang, Victoria University, Wayne Binney, Victoria University, Anne - Marie Hede, Victoria University, Anne - M Abstract Strategy development in higher education (HE) institutions has not been investigated a great extent. To address this issue, this study reports on the first stage of a larger investigation of strategy development in HE. The the oretical background draws on two theories of strategy and competitive advantage, namely , industrial organisation ( IO ) and resource - based view ( RBV ). These are used to guide 32 in - depth interviews that explor e the elements of external industry structure , in ternal resources a nd capabilities, and institutional performance with senior HE decision - makers . F actors of competitive advantage and the indicators of institutional performance identified in the study verify and further develop the limited understanding r elating to strategic marketing of educational institutions. --ANZMAC 2010 conference name: 'Doing more with less' - Conference held: 29 November - 1 December 2010, College of Business and Economics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, N.Z.