For many practising teachers, the push to integrate ICTs across the curriculum has become yet another example of those top-down impositions that only distract them from their primary task of teaching. While the spirit behind that push may well have been to encourage teachers to use ICTs as powerful tools for enhancing, or even transforming, their teaching, for many it has had a very different effect in practice. This position paper suggests that it is time to move beyond the ‘integration of ICTs across the curriculum’, and redefine the success of a school’s implementation of ICTs in terms of user empowerment. In contrast to the mo re technology-centred emphases on access, or even on use, this re-definition needs to pla ce its primary emphasis on the extent to which the implementation actually empowers the school community in its practice – as determined by its users. This more user-centred definition of success, especially when applied at an individual school level, and to the school as a whole, can then be used as the basis for both a user- centred model to guide the on-going development of a school ’s implementation, as well as a formative, user-centred process for evaluating its effectiveness.