Hallinan, Christopher J
< Back to all Authors1987 | August 1988 | September 1990 | 1991 | February 1991 | October 1993 | March 1994 | October 1996 | 1998 | September 1998 | 1999 | March 1999 | November 2000 | 2001 | 2004 | February 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 5 November 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2011
Hallinan, Christopher J and Snyder, E. E (1987) Forced disengagement and the collegiate athlete. Arena review, 11 (2). pp. 28-34. ISSN 0735-1267
August 1988
Hallinan, Christopher J (1988) Muslim and Judaic-Christian perceptions of desirable body shape. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 67 (1). pp. 80-82. ISSN 0031-5125
September 1990
Hallinan, Christopher J and Snyder, E. E (1990) Values held by prospective coaches towards women's sport participation. Journal of Sport Behavior, 13 (3). pp. 167-180. ISSN 0162-7341
Hallinan, Christopher J, Eddleman, K. S and Oslin, J. L (1991) Racial segregation by playing position in elite Australian basketball. Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , 23 (4). pp. 111-114. ISSN 0813-6289
February 1991
Hallinan, Christopher J, Pierce, E. P, Evans, J. E, DeGrenier, J. D and Andres, F. F (1991) Perceptions of current and ideal body shape of athletes and nonathletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 72 (1). pp. 123-130. ISSN 0031-5125 (print) 1558-688X (online)
October 1993
Hallinan, Christopher J and Schuler, Petra (1993) Body-shape perceptions of elderly women exercisers and nonexercisers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 77 (2). pp. 451-456. ISSN 0031-5125 (print) 1558-688X (online)
March 1994
Hallinan, Christopher J (1994) The Presentation of Human Biological Diversity in Sport and Exercise Science Textbooks: The Example of "Race". Journal of Sport Behavior, 17 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 0162-7341
October 1996
Abadie, Ben R, Schuler, Petra, Hunt, B. P, Lischkoff, N. J, Hallinan, Christopher J and Wang, M. W (1996) Perception of body shape in elderly white and black men. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 83 (2). pp. 449-450. ISSN 0031-5125 (print) 1558-688X (online)
Hallinan, Christopher J and Reilly, Edward (1998) Symbolic interactions among amateur eight ball pool players. In: Refashioning sociology: responses to a new world order. Alexander, M, Harding, S, Harrison, P, Kendall, G, Skrbis, Z and Western, J, eds. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, pp. 504-511.
September 1998
Hallinan, Christopher J (1998) Dimensions of gender differentiation and centrality in the employment structure of university recreation centers. Journal of Sport Behavior, 21 (3). pp. 256-264. ISSN 0162-7341
Hallinan, Christopher J, Bruce, Toni and Coram, Stella (1999) Up Front and Beyond the Centre Line: Australian Aborigines in Elite Australian Rules Football. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 34. pp. 369-383. ISSN 1012-6902
March 1999
Johnson, D. L, Hallinan, Christopher J and Westerfield, R. C (1999) Picturing success: photographs and stereotyping in men's collegiate basketball. Journal of Sports Behavior, 22 (1). pp. 45-53. ISSN 0162-7341
November 2000
Hallinan, Christopher J (2000) Book review: Douglas Booth and Colin Tatz, one-eyed: a view of Australian sport. Sporting Traditions, 17 (1). pp. 114-124. ISSN 0813-2577
Hallinan, Christopher J and Hughson, John, eds. (2001) Sporting tales : ethnographic fieldwork experiences. ASSH studies in sports history (12). Australian Society for Sports History, Sydney.
Hughson, John and Hallinan, Christopher J (2001) The ethnographic turn in sport studies. In: Sporting tales: ethnographic fieldwork experiences. Hallinan, Christopher J and Hughson, John, eds. ASSH studies in sports history (12). Australian Society for Sports History, Maroochydore, Qld, pp. 3-6.
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2004) Aspirational Coaching: Leadership in Victorian Junior Women's Basketball. In: TASA 2004 refereed conference : proceedings : revisioning sociology. Richmond, Katy, ed. The Australian Sociological Association, St. Lucia, Qld.
Hallinan, Christopher J and Burke, Michael (2004) Subcultural characteristics of gender and coaching in junior girls basketball. In: 2004 Pre-Olympic Congress: Sports Science Through the Ages: Challenges in the New Millennium. Klissouras, Vassilis, Kellis, Spyros and Mouraditis, Loannis, eds. Aristotle Univ., Dep. of Physical Education and Sport Science, Thessalonikich.
February 2004
Roy, Jane L. P, Smith, Joe F, Bishop, Phillip A, Hallinan, Christopher J, Wang, Minqi and Hunter, Gary R (2004) Prediction of maximal VO2 from a submaximal stairmaster test in young women. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 18 (1). pp. 92-96. ISSN 1064-8011
Hallinan, Christopher J, Bruce, Toni and Burke, Michael (2005) Fresh Prince of Colonial Dome: Indigenous Players in the AFL. Football Studies, 8. pp. 68-78. ISSN 1442-3146
McDonald, Brent ORCID: 0000-0002-7455-0940 and Hallinan, Christopher J
Seishin Habitus: Spiritual Capital and Japanese Rowing.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 40 (2).
187 -200.
ISSN 1012-6902
Hallinan, Christopher J and Burke, Michael (2005) Transition Game: Globalisation and the Marketing of a Suburban `Nationalised' Basketball team in Australia. International Journal for Sport Management and Marketing, 1 (1-2). pp. 127-140. ISSN 1475-8962
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2005) Deviance, Drugs, Sport and Foucauldian Anxiety. In: TASA 2005 conference : University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay Campus, 5-8 December 2005 : conference proceedings. The Australian Sociological Association, Sandy Bay, Tas..
Hallinan, Christopher J, Burke, Michael and Jankovic, Lana (2005) Interpretations of Racial Stacking in AFL Football. In: TASA 2005 conference : University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay Campus, 5-8 December 2005 : conference proceedings. The Sociological Association of Australia, Hawthorn, Vic..
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2006) Women's leadership in junior girls' basketball in Victoria: foucault, feminism and disciplining women coaches. Sport in Society, 9 (1). pp. 19-31. ISSN 1743-0437
Hallinan, Christopher J and Burke, Michael (2006) Cevapi Please: Serbian Solidarity at the Football Ground. In: Sociology for a mobile world : TASA 2006 : annual conference of The Australian Sociological Association, University of Western Australia & Murdoch University, 4-7 December 2006. Colic-Peiske, Val, Tilbury, Farida and McNamara, Bev, eds. The Sociological Association of Australia, Hawthorn, Victoria.
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2006) For the Community: A Case Study of Jewish Junior Basketball Identity. In: Sociology for a mobile world : TASA 2006 : annual conference of The Australian Sociological Association, University of Western Australia & Murdoch University, 4-7 December 2006. Colic-Peiske, Val, Tilbury, Farida and McNamara, Bev, eds. The Sociological Association of Australia, Hawthorn, Victoria.
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2006) `I hope she doesn't get hurt': Empathetic Exclusion of Annika Sorenstam by Australian Sports Journalists and PGA Golfers. In: Sociology for a mobile world : TASA 2006 : annual conference of The Australian Sociological Association, University of Western Australia & Murdoch University, 4-7 December 2006. The Sociological Association of Australia, Hawthorn, Victoria.
Hallinan, Christopher J and Burke, Michael (2006) Identity Issues, Basketball and Aboriginality. In: Sociology for a mobile world : TASA 2006 : annual conference of The Australian Sociological Association, University of Western Australia & Murdoch University, 4-7 December 2006. Colic-Peiske, Val, Tilbury, Farida and McNamara, Bev, eds. The Sociological Association of Australia, Hawthorn, Victoria.
5 November 2006
Hallinan, Christopher J and Burke, Michael (2006) Serbian soccer and identity in Australia. In: 27th annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport: “Re-Imagining Community/Re(En)Visioning Sport”, November 1-4, 2006, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2007) Friday Forfeit: Participation Issues in Jewish Junior Basketball. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2 (1-2). pp. 16-26. ISSN 1475-8962
Hallinan, Christopher J (2007) Introduction. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2 (1/2). p. 1. ISSN 1475-8962
Mendoza, Gina, Hallinan, Christopher J and Burke, Michael (2007) Cultural diversity and social class issues in junior elite basketball. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2 (1-2). pp. 59-68. ISSN 1475-8962
Hallinan, Christopher J, Hughson, John and Burke, Michael (2007) Supporting the 'World Game' in Australia: A Case Study of Fandom at National and Club Level. Soccer in Society, 8 (2/3). pp. 283-297. ISSN 1466-0970
Hallinan, Christopher J and Judd, Barry (2007) "Blackfellas" Basketball: Aboriginal Identity and Anglo-Australian Race Relations in Regional Basketball. Sociology of Sport Journal, 24 (4). pp. 421-436. ISSN 0741-1235
Hallinan, Christopher J, Hughson, John and Burke, Michael (2007) Supporting the 'World Game' in Australia: A Case Study of Fandom at National and Club Level. In: Football Fans Around the World : From Supporters to Fanatics. Brown, S, ed. Sport in the Global Society . Routledge, London, pp. 121-135.
Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven, eds. (2008) Social and Cultural Diversity in a Sporting World. Research in the sociology of sport, 5 . Emerald Publishing Group, Bingley.
McDonald, Brent ORCID: 0000-0002-7455-0940 and Komuku, H
Japanese Educational Sport and the Reproduction of Identity.
Social and Cultural Diversity in a Sporting World.
Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven, eds.
Research in the sociology of sport
Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, W. Yorks, UK, pp. 97-110.
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2008) Shalosh, Shtayim, Echad, Maccabi: Jewish Junior Girls Basketball. In: Social and Cultural Diversity in a Sporting World. Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven, eds. Research in the sociology of sport (5). Emerald Publishing Group, Bingley, W. Yorks, UK, pp. 125-139.
Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven (2008) The Difference Within : Diversity as a Key Conceptual Framework. In: Social and Cultural Diversity in a Sporting World. Hallinan, Christopher J and Jackson, Steven, eds. Research in the sociology of sport (5). Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, W. Yorks, UK, pp. 1-14.
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2008) Drugs, Sport, Anxiety and Foucouldian Governmentality. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 2 (1). pp. 39-55. ISSN 1751-1321
Judd, Barry and Hallinan, Christopher J (2008) Hoop Dreams: Constructing Aboriginal Sport Identities in Regional Victoria. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, 11 (4). 17-21?. ISSN 1440-5202
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2008) Junior Basketball and Affirmation of Jewish Female Identity. In: Re-imagining sociology : the annual conference of the Australian Sociological Association 2008, 2-5 December 2008, The University of Melbourne. Majoribanks, T, Barraket, J, Chang, J-S, Dawson, A, Guillemin, M, Henry-Waring, M, Kenyon, A, Guillemin, R, Lewis, J, Lusher, D, Nolan, D, Kokanovic, R, Pyett, P, Robins, R, Warr, D and Wyn, J, eds. The Australian Sociological Association, Melbourne, Australia.
Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2008) Where it doesn't matter: religion, identity and girl's basketball. In: 29th annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) Sport and Peace/Social (In)Justice, November 5-8, 2008, Denver, Colorado. (Unpublished)
Bosevski, Bily and Hallinan, Christopher J (2009) You have the right to remain violent: power and resistance in the club. Soccer in Society, 10 (1). pp. 96-108. ISSN 1466-0970
Coakley, Jay, Hallinan, Christopher J and McDonald, Brent ORCID: 0000-0002-7455-0940
Sports in Society: Sociological Issues and Controversies.
(2nd ed.)
McGraw Hill, North Ryde, N.S.W..
Spaaij, Ramon ORCID: 0000-0002-1260-3111, Klein, A, Kunz, V, Meiers, M, Saavedra, M, Kay, T, Burnett, C, Vemeulen, J, Verweel, P, Hallinan, Christopher J, Judd, B, Stokvis, R and Maguire, J
The Social Impact of Sport : Cross-Cultural Perspectives.
Spaaij, Ramon
ORCID: 0000-0002-1260-3111, ed.
Sport in the global society. Contemporary perspectives
Routledge, London.