Happel, Hans-Jörg
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Happel, Hans-Jörg, Korthaus, Axel, Seedorf, Stefan and Tomczyk, Peter (2006) Ein Ansatz zur formatneutralen Verwaltung von Metadaten in komponentenorientierten Softwareprozessen. In: Software Engineering 2006: Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 28. - 31. März 2006 in Leipzig. GI-Edition - Lecture notes in informatics (LNI). Proceedings (79). Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, pp. 181-192.
Happel, Hans-Jörg, Korthaus, Axel, Seedorf, Stefan and Tomczyk, Peter (2006) KOntoR: an ontology-enabled approach to software reuse. In: SEKE 2006 : the 18th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering : proceedings, technical program, July 5-7, 2006, Hotel Sofitel, San Francisco Bay, California, USA. Knowledge Systems Institute, Skokie, Illinois, pp. 349-354.
Geisser, M, Happel, Hans-Jörg, Hildenbrand, T, Seedorf, S and Korthaus, Axel ORCID: 0000-0002-4150-8607
New applications for wikis in software engineering.
In: PRIMIUM Subconference at the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008 (PRIMIUM-2008), 26 February 2008-28 February 2008, Garching, Germany.