Kennedy, Gerard

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Number of items: 72.


Kennedy, Gerard and Apel, Sabine (2001) Melatonin Secretions in the Rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus) under a 12:12 Light-dark Cycle. Chronobiology International, 18 (6). pp. 83-84. ISSN 0742-0528

Apel, Sabine, Coleman, Grahame and Kennedy, Gerard (2001) Evidence for an Independent Circadian Oscillator for the Nursing Rhythm of Rabbits. Chronobiology International, 18 (6). pp. 90-91. ISSN 07420528

Young, Heather and Kennedy, Gerard (2001) Communication Variables as Predictors of Communities' Satisfaction, Relationship Satisfaction and Intimacy Satisfaction in Adult Heterosexual Couples. In: Proceedings of the 1st Australian Psychological Society. Psychology of Relationships Interest Group. Australian Psychological Society, pp. 37-51.

Stephens, Joanne and Kennedy, Gerard (2001) Male Coping Strategies after Relationship Dissolution: Effects on Psychological and Physical Health. In: Proceedings of the Australian Psychological Society. Psychology of Relationships Interest Group. 1st Annual Conference. Australian Psychological Society, pp. 105-116.

Kennedy, Gerard, Ross, Cationa, Galati, Maria, Masen, Linda, Stojanovska, Clara and Salamone, Connie (2001) Phase-response Curve PRC for One-hour Light Pulses for the Rabbit. Chronobiology International, 18 (16). pp. 60-61. ISSN 07420528

Kennedy, Gerard, Howard, Mark and Pierce, Rob (2001) A review of melatonin as a chronobiotic agent: therapeutic use in the treatment of sleep disorders in shift-workers. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Kennedy, Gerard, Howard, Mark, Pierce, Rob and Radford, Lyn (2001) The Effects of Brief Naps During Night Shift on Fatigue, Sleepiness and Performance on a Simulated Driving Task. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Kennedy, Gerard, Risiik, Christie, Howard, Mark and Pierce, Rob (2001) The effect of sleep deprivation, circadian rhythms and brief naps on driving performance, vigilance, alertness, sleep inertia and mood across the day in young drivers: preliminary report for VicRoads. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Kennedy, Gerard, Howard, Mark and Pierce, Rob (2001) Temporal Nature of Road and Workplace Accidents and Effects of Naps and Sleep Inertia. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Kennedy, Gerard, Howard, Mark and Pierce, Robert (2001) Microsleep Literature Review. Project Report. VicRoads. (Submitted)


Kouzma, Nadya M and Kennedy, Gerard (2002) Homework, Stress and Mood Disturbance in Senior High School Students. Psychological Reports, 91 (1). pp. 193-194. ISSN 0033-2941

Markoska, Julie and Kennedy, Gerard (2002) The Relationships between Attachment Styles, Disengagement Strategies and Coping Styles Following Dissolution of Adult Heterosexual Couple Relationships. Australian Journal of Psychology, 54. p. 87. ISSN 00049530

Kennedy, Gerard (2002) A Review of Hypnosis in the Treatment of Parasomnias: Nightmares, Sleepwalking and Sleep Terror Disorders. Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 30 (2). pp. 99-155. ISSN 0156-0417

Kouzma, Nadya M and Kennedy, Gerard (2002) Homework, Stress, and Mood Disturbance in Senior High School Students. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Stress and Anxiety Research Conference. Stress and Anxiety Research (STAR), pp. 126-130.

Kouzma, Nadya M and Kennedy, Gerard (2002) Why Are Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Students So Stressed? In: Proceedings of the 23rd Stress and Anxiety Research Conference. Stress and Anxiety Research (STAR), pp. 122-125.

Markoska, Julie and Kennedy, Gerard (2002) The Relationship between Attachment Styles, Disengagement Strategies and Coping Strategies following Dissolution of Adult Heterosexual Couple Relationships. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian Psychology of Relationships Conference. Australian Psychological Society, pp. 9-21.


Kennedy, Gerard (2003) Students' Rights and Empowerment. Directions in Education, 12 (9). p. 4. ISSN 10381368

Kennedy, Gerard (2003) Drug Abuse Prevention. Directions in Education, 12 (6). p. 4. ISSN 10381368

Kennedy, Gerard (2003) Managing School Culture. Directions in Education, 12 (12). p. 1. ISSN 10381368

Pisasale, Nicole, Kennedy, Gerard and Kouzma, Nadya M (2003) Bullying in Australian Schools: What Does the Research Tell Us? Principal Matters, 55. pp. 36-37. ISSN 1322-2481

Pisasale, Nicole, Kennedy, Gerard and Kouzma, Nadya M (2003) Bullying: What Guarantee of Safety can your School Offer? Prime Focus, October (35). pp. 39-41. ISSN 1322-249X


Hood, Bernadette, Bruck, Dorothy and Kennedy, Gerard (2004) Determinants of sleep quality in the healthy aged: the role of physical, psychological, circadian and naturalistic light variables. Age and Ageing, 33 (2). pp. 159-165. ISSN 0002-0729

Cribb, Beverley, McKersie, Christine, Gridley, Heather, Kennedy, Gerard and Rice, Jennifer (2004) Essential Psychology Units 3 and 4. Cambridge University Press.

Cribb, Beverley, Gridley, Heather, McKersie, Christine, Kennedy, Gerard, Anin, Nadija and Rice, Jennifer (2004) Essential VCE Psychology: Units 3 and 4. Cambridge University Press.

Kennedy, Gerard and Bloomfield, Leonie J (2004) School Drug Use Prevention Programs. Directions in Education, 13 (7). p. 2. ISSN 10381368

Willis, G and Kennedy, Gerard (2004) The Implementation of Acute Versus Chronic Animal Models for Treatment Discovery in Parkinson's Disease. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 15 (1). pp. 75-87. ISSN 03341763

Kennedy, Gerard and Bloomfield, Leonie J (2004) Bullying on Campus. Directions in Education, 13 (7). p. 1. ISSN 10381368

Kouzma, Nadya M and Kennedy, Gerard (2004) Self-Reported Sources of Stress in Senior High School Students. Psychological Reports, 94 (1). pp. 314-316. ISSN 0033-2941

Pisasale, Nicole and Kennedy, Gerard (2004) Bullying: Is Your School Safe? Principal Matters, 60 (1). pp. 4-6. ISSN 13222481

2 April 2004

Kennedy, Gerard and Solin, B (2004) How to treat. Insomnia - Part 1. Australian Doctor. pp. 37-44. ISSN 1039-7116

9 April 2004

Kennedy, Gerard and Solin, P (2004) How to treat. Insomnia - Part 2. Australian Doctor. pp. 29-36. ISSN 1039-7116


Bruck, Dorothy, Kennedy, Gerard, Cooper, Amee and Apel, Sabine (2005) Diurnal Actigraphy and Stimulant Efficacy in Narcolepsy. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 20 (2). pp. 105-113. ISSN 0885-6222

Howard, Mark, Kennedy, Gerard, Clarke, Catherine, Jackson, Melinda L and Pierce, Robert (2005) Neuropsychological, sleepiness and mood changes due to acute sleep deprivation. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Kennedy, Gerard (2005) Live-to-Air Vacarious Traumatisation. Prime Focus, 42 (Spring 2005). pp. 40-41. ISSN 1322249X

Kennedy, Gerard (2005) Live-to-Air Traumatisation. Principal Matters, 63 (May 2005). pp. 17-18. ISSN 13222481

Evans, Lynette, Kennedy, Gerard and Wertheim, Eleanor (2005) An examination of the association between eating problems, negative mood, weight and sleeping quality in young women and men. Eating and Weight Disorders, 10 (4). pp. 245-250. ISSN 1124-4909

O'Malley, Stephen, Kennedy, Gerard, Dowling, Peter and Madill, Helen (2005) Development of a Revised Edition of the Naylor-Harwood Adult Intelligence Scale (R-NHAIS). Australian Journal of Psychology, 57. p. 240. ISSN 00049530

Savatovic, H, Kennedy, Gerard and Bloomfield, Leonie J (2005) The Role of Communication Technology in the Dissolution of Marital, Cohabitating and Dating Relationships. In: Proceedings of the Australian Psychological Society. Psychology of Relationships Interest Group 5th Annual Conference. Australian Psychological Society (APS), pp. 35-42.


Howard, Mark, Clarke, Catherine, Gullo, Melissa, Johns, Murray, Swann, Philip, Pierce, Robert and Kennedy, Gerard (2006) Evaluation of two eyelid closure monitors for drowsiness detection. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 4 (Supplement 1). A13-A13. ISSN 1446-9235

Howard, Mark, Kennedy, Gerard, Clarke, Catherine, Jackson, Melinda L ORCID: 0000-0003-4976-8101 and Pierce, Robert (2006) Microsleeps and driving changes as a result of acute sleep deprivation. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Kennedy, Gerard (2006) Insomnia Cases. In: Cases in Psychology. Thomson Learning Australia, pp. 20-42.

Kennedy, Gerard (2006) Sailing the Little White Boat: A Script for Mastery and Overcoming Difficulties. Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 34 (2). pp. 219-221. ISSN 01560417

Bloomfield, Leonie J and Kennedy, Gerard (2006) Killing Time: Excess Free Time and Men's Mortality Risk. In: Proceeding from the Time Use and Gender Seminar. Australian Government, pp. 1-26.


Howard, Mark, Jackson, Melinda L, Kennedy, Gerard, Swann, P, Barnes, Maree and Pierce, Robert (2007) The interactive effects of extended wakefulness and low-dose alcohol on simulated driving and vigilance. Sleep, 30 (10). pp. 1334-1340. ISSN 0161-8105

Kennedy, Gerard and Ball, H (2007) Power Break: A brief hypnorelaxation program to reduce work-related fatigue and improve work satisfaction, productivity, and well-being. Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 35 (2). pp. 169-193. ISSN 01560417

Kennedy, Gerard, Johnston, Amy, Astbury, Jill and Bruck, Dorothy (2007) The relationship between sexual assault and sleep problems. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 5 (1). A165-A165. ISSN 1446-9235

Jackson, Melinda L, Howard, Mark, Johnston, Paul, Papafotiou, Katherine, Kennedy, Gerard, Pierce, Robert and Croft, Rodney J (2007) The effects of acute sleep deprivation on a cross-modal divided attention task: A functional neuroimaging study. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 5 (1). p. 496. ISSN 1446-9235

Kennedy, Gerard, Pavlis, Alexia, Thompson, Bruce, Pierce, Robert, Howard, Mark and Briellmann, Regula (2007) Neurcognitive, neuroanatomical and neuroendocrine effects of long-term rotating shift work. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 50 (1). A30-A30. ISSN 1446-9235

Johnston, Amy, Astbury, Jill, Bruck, Dorothy and Kennedy, Gerard (2007) The relationship between socio-demographic variables and sleep problems. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 5 (1). A13-A13. ISSN 1446-9235

Kennedy, Gerard and Ball, H (2007) Power Break Script. Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 35 (1). pp. 80-82. ISSN 01560417


Jackson, Melinda L, Croft, Rodney J, Owens, Katherine, Pierce, Robert J, Kennedy, Gerard, Crewther, David P and Howard, Mark (2008) The Effect of Acute Sleep Deprivation on Visual Evoked Potentials in Professional Drivers. Sleep, 31 (9). pp. 1261-1269. ISSN 0161-8105

Willis, Gregory L, Kelly, Adelheid M. A and Kennedy, Gerard (2008) Compromised circadian function in Parkinson's disease: Enucleation augments disease severity in the unilateral model. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 193 (1). pp. 37-47. ISSN 1446-9235

Kennedy, Gerard (2008) Neuro-cognitive function in Insomnia and Circadian Disorders. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 6 (1). A6-A6. ISSN 14469235

Kennedy, Gerard, Gill, Harsharn, McMahon, Marcus, Swann, Philip, Pierce, Rob and Howard, Mark (2008) An initial evaluation of the institute for breathing and sleep driver awareness questionnaire. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 6 (1). A19-A19. ISSN 14469235

Jackson, Melinda L, Radford, Lyn, Kennedy, Gerard, Swann, Philip, Pierce, Robert and Howard, Mark (2008) The effects of a 30-minute napping opportunity during an actual night shift on performance and sleepiness in shift workers. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 6 (1). A31-A31. ISSN 1479-8425


Yu, William, Barnes, Maree, Jackson, Melinda L, Kennedy, Gerard, Baulk, Stuart, McMahon, Marcus and Howard, Mark (2009) Modulating young drivers ability to discern sleepiness and make appropriate decisions during a driving simulation. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 7. A25-A25. ISSN 1446-9235

Wilsmore, Nick, Galante, Rosa, Lee, Jason, Barnes, Maree, Kennedy, Gerard and Hoard, Mark (2009) Spychomotor Vigilance and Driving Simulator Performance in shift workers and patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Sleep and Biological Rythms, 7. A35-A35. ISSN 14798425

Weisinger, R. S, Begg, Denovan P, Denton, Derek A, Findlay, A. L. R, Kennedy, Gerard, Purcell, B, Walker, L. L and Blair-West, J. R (2009) Endocrine and ingestive behavioral responses to fluid deprivation in sheep chronically exposed to ethanol. Physiology and Behavior, 96 (4-5). pp. 637-645. ISSN 0031-9384

Spong, Jo, Kennedy, Gerard, Brown, Douglas and Berlowitz, David (2009) Sleep disruption in Quadriplegia - exploring whether 3mg melatonin induces sleep. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 7 (s1). A38-A38. ISSN 1446-9235


Cortes-Simonet, E. N, Kennedy, Gerard, Howard, Mark, Gill, H and McMahon, Marcus (2010) Young drivers knowledge of road safety, sleepiness and fatigue: examining the internal consistency of the Institute for Breathing and Sleep Driver Awareness questionnaire (IBAS-DAQ). In: Living in a 24/7 world : the impact of circadian disruption on sleep, work and health. Sargent, Charli, Darwent, David and Roach, Gregory D, eds. Australasian Chronobiology Society, Adelaide, pp. 35-39.

April 2010

Howard, Mark, Radford, Lynette, Jackson, Melinda L, Swann, Philip and Kennedy, Gerard (2010) The effects of a 30 minute napping opportunity during an actual night shift on performance and sleepiness in shift workers. Biological Rhythm Research, 41 (2). pp. 137-148. ISSN 0929-1016


Hayley, Amie, Kennedy, Gerard, Westlake, Justine and Howard, Mark (2011) An investigation into affective, neuropsychological and driving simulator performance of shift workers and patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. In: 8th Annual Congress of the Australasian Chronobiology Society (ACS), 17th September 2011, Melbourne, Victoria.

Jackson, Melinda L, Hughes, Matthew, Croft, Rodney J, Howard, Mark, Crewther, David P, Kennedy, Gerard, Owens, Katherine, Pierce, Rob J, O’Donoghue, Fergal J and Johnston, Patrick (2011) The effect of sleep deprivation on BOLD activity elicited by a divided attention task. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 5 (2). pp. 97-108. ISSN 1931-7557 (print) 1931-7565 (online)

Hayley, Amie, Kennedy, Gerard, Westlake, Justine and Howard, Mark (2011) An Investigation of neuropsychological and driving simulator performance in shift workers, patients with obstructive sleep apnoea, and control patients. In: Big clock, little clock: molecular to physiological clocks : Australasian Chonobiology Society 8th Annual Meeting. Kennedy, G and Sargent, C, eds. Australasian Chronobiology Society, Adelaide, pp. 29-35.

July 2011

Kennedy, Gerard (2011) Codons of Consciousness: Neurological Characteristics of Ordinary and Pathological States of Consciousness. In: States of Consciousness: Experimental Insights into Meditation, Waking, Sleep and Dreams. Cvetkovic, Dean and Cosic, Irena, eds. Frontiers Collection . Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 57-92.


Elzo, Fabian A and Kennedy, Gerard (2012) Nightmares and Storyline Alteration treatments: Nightmare frequency and intensity in an Australian University sample and treatment with a Storyline Alteration Technique. Lambert Academic, Saarbrücken, Germany.

January 2013

Jackson, Melinda L, Croft, Rodney J, Kennedy, Gerard, Owens, Katherine and Howard, Mark (2013) Cognitive components of simulated driving performance: sleep loss effects and predictors. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50. pp. 438-444. ISSN 0001-4575

1 January 2014

Hayley, Amie, Williams, LJ, Kennedy, Gerard, Berk, Michael, Brennan, SL and Pasco, JA (2014) Prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness in a sample of the Australian adult population. Sleep Medicine, 15 (3). 348 - 354. ISSN 1389-9457

Spong, Jo, Kennedy, Gerard, Tseng, J, Brown, Douglas, Armstrong, Stuart and Berlowitz, David (2014) Sleep disruption in tetraplegia: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial of 3 mg melatonin. Spinal Cord, 52 (8). 629 - 634. ISSN 1362-4393

5 January 2023

Meaklim, Hailey ORCID: 0000-0003-0448-3567, Rehm, Imogen ORCID: 0000-0002-0053-2272, Junge, Moira, Monfries, Melissa, Kennedy, Gerard ORCID: 0000-0002-4419-050X, Bucks, Romola S ORCID: 0000-0002-4207-4724, Meltzer, Lisa J ORCID: 0000-0002-2901-0996 and Jackson, Melinda L ORCID: 0000-0003-4976-8101 (2023) Development of a Novel Behavioral Sleep Medicine Education Workshop Designed to Increase Trainee Psychologists’ Knowledge and Skills in Insomnia Management. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 21 (6). pp. 787-801. ISSN 1540-2010

16 June 2023

Meaklim, Hailey ORCID: 0000-0003-0448-3567, Meltzer, Lisa J ORCID: 0000-0002-2901-0996, Rehm, Imogen ORCID: 0000-0002-0053-2272, Junge, Moira, Monfries, Melissa, Kennedy, Gerard, Bucks, Romola S ORCID: 0000-0002-4207-4724, Graco, Marnie ORCID: 0000-0001-6048-0147 and Jackson, Melinda L ORCID: 0000-0003-4976-8101 (2023) Disseminating sleep education to graduate psychology programs online: a knowledge translation study to improve the management of insomnia. SLEEP. ISSN 0161-8105

27 September 2023

Oraison, Humberto ORCID: 0000-0002-5997-6265, Loton, Daniel ORCID: 0000-0003-4106-0555 and Kennedy, Gerard ORCID: 0000-0002-4419-050X (2023) The Roles of Depression, Life Control and Affective Distress on Treatment Attendance and Perceived Disability in Chronic Back Pain Sufferers throughout the Duration of the Condition. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (19). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1660-4601