McCartin, John
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Agius, Kirsten, Aitken, Jennifer, Blaise, Mindy ORCID: 0000-0003-2476-9407, Boucher, Kelly, Hamm, Catherine
ORCID: 0000-0002-9357-8439, Iorio, Jeanne
ORCID: 0000-0003-1972-5186, Lovell, Brenda and McCartin, John
Who’s Swallowing the Action Now: Classroom Ready Teachers Report? Discussing, Understanding, and Wondering.
Teachers College Record.
ISSN 1467-9620
Agius, Kirsten, Aitken, Jennifer, Blaise, Mindy ORCID: 0000-0003-2476-9407, Boucher, Kelly, Hamm, Catherine
ORCID: 0000-0002-9357-8439, Iorio, Jeanne
ORCID: 0000-0003-1972-5186, Lovell, Brenda, McCartin, John and Nehma, Nathalie
Being present: imagining ‘classroom ready’ in early childhood education.
Professional Educator, 14 (5).
Conference or Workshop Item
Hamm, Catherine ORCID: 0000-0002-9357-8439 and McCartin, John
Exploring professional identity construction in a mentoring program for beginning early childhood teachers.
In: Australian Association for Research in Education AARE 2014, 30 November 2014-04 December 2014, Brisbane.
McCartin, John, Nolan, A and Beahan, Jennifer (2014) Professional mentoring program for Early Childhood Teachers: Final Report Cohort 3 December 2013. Project Report. Department of Education & Early Childhood Development, Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria.
West, Sue, Schroder, Carmen, Symes, Leonie, Sayers, Mary, McDonald, Myfanwy, Kellett, Ellen, Nolan, Andrea, McCartin, John, Hunt, Jan, Aitken, Jennifer and Scott, Caroline (2012) Outcomes and Indicators of a Positive Start to School: Development of Framework and Tools. Project Report. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, Melbourne.