Sherwood, Peter
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Sherwood, Peter, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2004) Sustainability Reporting: an Application for the Evaluation of Special Events. In: Conference of Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education 2004: Creating Tourism Knowledge. Channel View, pp. 676-688.
Sherwood, Peter, Jago, Leo Kenneth and Deery, Margaret (2005) Triple Bottom Line Evaluation of Special Events: Does the Rhetoric Reflect Reporting? In: Proceedings of the Council of Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education. Charles Darwin University.
Jago, Leo Kenneth, Deery, Margaret and Sherwood, Peter (2005) Unlocking the Triple Bottom Line of Special Event Evaluations: What Are the Key Impacts? In: Proceedings of the International Event Management. Australian Centre for Event Management, pp. 16-32.
Jago, Leo Kenneth and Sherwood, Peter (2005) The Economic Performance of Special Events: a Framework for Comparison. In: The Impacts of Events: Proceedings of International Event Research Conference. Allen, J, ed. Australian Centre for Event Management University of Technology, Sydney, Lindfield, N.S.W, pp. 54-66.
Sherwood, Peter, Deery, Margaret and Jago, Leo Kenneth (2006) Not another survey!: exploring the issues in conducting a web based Delphi survey. In: To the city and beyond: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Council for Australian Tourism and Hospitality Educators Conference. Victoria University, pp. 1302-1315.
Sherwood, Peter (2007) A triple bottom line evaluation of the impact of special events: the development of indicators. PhD thesis, Victoria University.