Zolfagharian, A
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Zolfagharian, A, Kouzani, A, Khoo, S, Noshadi, Amin and Kaynak, A (2018) 3D printed soft parallel actuator. Smart Materials and Structures, 27 (4). ISSN 0964-1726
Zolfagharian, A, Noshadi, Amin and Zain, MZM (2014) Bi-level fuzzy force shaping controller of a exible wiper system. Scientia Iranica, 21 (6). 2153 - 2164. ISSN 1026-3098
Zolfagharian, A, Noshadi, Amin, Ghasemi, SE and Zain, MZM (2013) A nonparametric approach using artificial intelligence in vibration and noise reduction of flexible systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228 (8). 1329 - 1347. ISSN 0954-4062