420000 Language and Culture
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- 420000 Language and Culture (47)
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- Historical (47)
Adams, Paul (2001) Intertextuality, John Frow and Frank Hardy. Southern review, 34 (2). pp. 86-95. ISSN 0038-4526
Borland, Helen (2005) Heritage languages and community identity building: the case of a language of lesser status. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 8 (2-3). pp. 109-123. ISSN 1367-0050
Borland, Helen and Pearce, Amanda (2002) Identifying key dimensions of language and cultural disadvantage at university. Australian review of applied linguistics, 25 (2). pp. 101-127. ISSN 1833-7139 Online 0150-0640 Print
Clark, Tom (2006) Language as social capital. Applied Semiotics = Semiotique Appliquee, 8 (18). pp. 29-41. ISSN 1204-6140
Clark, Tom (2007) Towards a formulaic poetics of contemporary public rhetoric: the interpretative processing of platitude and cliche. International Journal of the Humanities, 5 (7). pp. 205-214. ISSN 1447-9508
Clark, Tom (2007) Towards a poetics of contemporary public rhetoric: reporting platitude and cliche. AUMLA, special issue. pp. 199-207. ISSN 0001-2793
Clark, Tom (2006) Towards a poetics of contemporary public rhetoric: the performer's Need for Platitude and Cliche. International Journal of the Humanities, 4 (2). pp. 15-22. ISSN 1447-9508
Clark, Tom (2008) The cup of John Howard's poetry. Overland (190). pp. 22-28. ISSN 0030-7416
Cummings, David (2002) 'Now with my hand I cover Africa': a love-poem sent by Stephen Spender to William Plomer. Journal of European Studies, 32 (2-3). pp. 223-233. ISSN 0047-2441
Grossman, Michele (2001) Bad Aboriginal writing: editing, Aboriginality, textuality. Meanjin, 60 (3). pp. 152-165. ISSN 0025-6293
Grossman, Michele (2005) Xen(ography) and the art of representing otherwise: Australian Indigenous life-writing and the vernacular text. Postcolonial studies, 8 (3). pp. 277-301. ISSN 1368-8790
Hughes, Katie and Funston, Andrew (2006) Use and value of ICTS for separated families. Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 56 (2). pp. 76-85. ISSN 0040-2486
Leung, Cynthia and Rice, Jenni (2002) Comparison of Chinese-Australian and Anglo-Australian environmental attitudes and behavior. Social Behavior and Personality: an International Journal, 30 (3). pp. 251-262. ISSN 0301-2212
McLaren, John (2002) The British tradition in John Morrison's radical nationalism. Australian literary studies, 20 (3). pp. 215-224. ISSN 0004-9697
McLaren, John (2000) The scandal of Ulysses. Tirra Lirra, 11 (1). pp. 18-23. ISSN 1038-8400
Sonn, Christopher (2008) Educating for anti-racism: producing and reproducing race and power in a university classroom. Race Ethnicity and Education, 11 (2). pp. 155-166. ISSN 1361-3324
Sornig, David (2003) Borges, Dante and the Golem: in search of the fallible God in Spiel. Text, 7 (1). ISSN 1327-9556
Stevenson, Mark and Wu, Cuncun (2002) A Tale of an infatuated woman. Renditions, 58. pp. 47-97. ISSN 0377-3515
Stevenson, Mark and Wu, Cuncun (2003) Zhaojun's dream. Renditions, 59-60. pp. 154-180. ISSN 0377-3515
Totikidis, Vicky and Prilleltensky, Isaac (2006) Engaging community in a cycle of praxis: multicultural perspectives on personal, relational and collective wellness. Community, Work & Family, 9 (1). pp. 47-67. ISSN 1366-8803
Clark, Tom ORCID: 0000-0002-0313-9484
A case for irony in Beowulf, with particular reference to its epithets.
Peter Lang Publishing, Bern, New York.
Takeuchi, Masae (2006) Raising children bilingually through the 'one parent-one language' approach: a case study of Japanese mothers in the Australian context. European university studies. Series XXI, Linguistics, 299 . Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland.
Book Section
Bertone, Santina and Leahy, Mary (2001) Social equity, multiculturalism and the productive diversity paradigm: reflections on their role in corporate Australia. In: Everyday diversity: Australian multiculturalism in practice. Phillips, Scott K, ed. Common Ground Publishing Pty. Ltd., Altona, Victoria, pp. 113-144.
Grossman, Michele (2003) After Aboriginalism: power, knowledge and Indigenous Australian critical writing. In: Blacklines: contemporary critical writing by Indigenous Australians. Grossman, Michele, ed. Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., pp. 1-14.
McLaren, Mary-Rose (2008) Reading, writing and recording: literacy and the London chronicles in the fifteenth century. In: London and the Kingdom: essays in honour of Caroline M. Barron. Davies, Matthew and Prescott, Andrew, eds. Harlaxton medieval studies (16). Shaun Tyas, Donington, pp. 346-365.
Conference or Workshop Item
Borland, Helen (2003) Global citizenship and university language policy: models for supporting and developing bilingualism within higher education. In: UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education, 15-18 June 2003, Jyväskylä, Finland. (Unpublished)
Islam, Waliul and Borland, Helen (2006) South Asian Students' Adaptation Experiences in an Australian Postgraduate Coursework Environment. In: 17th International Conference ISANA, 5-8 Dec 2006, Sydney. (Unpublished)
Ohtsuka, Keis and Miltiadous, Maria (1997) The impact of cultural education on adolescents and their comprehension of culture-specific reading material. In: 1996 ERA/AARE Joint Conference, 25-29 November 1996, Singapore.
Schutt, Stefan (2007) Spinning stories: the development of the Small Histories project as an online facilitator of multiple life stories. In: 6th Creative & Cognition Conference: seeding creativity: tools, media, and environments, June 13 - 15, 2007, Washington, DC, USA.
Schutt, Stefan (2008) Staging life stories on the web: the Small Histories project and performances of reconstruction. In: Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OZCHI'08) --- Designing for Habitat and Habitus, December 8th-12th 2008, Cairns, Australia.
Borland, Helen and Mphande, Charles ORCID: 0000-0003-3380-0939
The Numbers of Speakers of African Languages Emerging in Victoria.
Project Report.
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
Totikidis, Vicky (2002) Diversity in Victoria and selected Victorian Hospitals: an overview of country of birth and language preference data 2002. Project Report. Department of Human Services, Melbourne, Australia.
Achren, Lynda (2007) Whose development? A cultural analysis of an AusAID English language project in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Akaranithi, Akara (2007) A proactive evaluation of a self-directed English language program for architecture students at Chulalongkorn University. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University.
Arambewela, Rodney Amarasinghe (2003) Post-choice satisfaction of international postgraduate students from Asia studying in Victorian universities. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University.
Damnet, Anamai (2008) Enhancing acquisition of intercultural nonverbal competence : Thai English as a foreign language learners and the use of contemporary English language films. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Gillespie, Christine (2008) My ornament : writing women's moving, erotic bodies across time and space : a novel and exegesis. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Laing, Barry (2002) Rapture : excursions in little tyrannies and bigger lies. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Laing, Wendy (2004) Severance packages: a crime paranormal novel and exegesis focussing on the electronic and digital publication of creative writing. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Livings, Edward A R (2006) Open Silence: An Application of the Perennial Philosophy to Literary Creation. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Matsau, 'Mamonaheng Amelia (2007) Investigating the learner-centred approach in language teaching in Lesotho. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Mott, Simone Silva Reis (2007) Little world/mundinho: an 'antropofagic' and autobiographic performance (uma performance antropofagica e autobiografica). PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Pizaro, Lisa (2007) Disco apocalypse : liminal fictoscapes, and, hatricks: where did the white rabbit go? PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Raghavan, Priya (2008) Family, politics and popular television: an ethnographic study of viewing an Indian serial melodrama. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Sammut, Elvira (2008) 'Sugared Placebos'? The effects of satire and farce in the plays of David Williamson. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Songsiri, Montha (2007) An action research study of promoting students’ confidence in speaking English. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University.
Varasarin, Patchara (2007) An action research study of pronunciation training, language learning strategies and speaking confidence. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University.