1603 Demography
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- 1603 Demography (39)
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September 1984 | 1997 | April 1998 | 2002 | 2005 | December 2006 | 2007 | March 2007 | 2008 | September 2008 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | July 2013 | 2014 | June 2014 | July 2014 | 2015 | June 2015 | September 2015 | November 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | February 2019 | 2020 | 1 April 2020
September 1984
(1984) Tapol bulletin no, 65, September 1984. Tapol bulletin (65). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1356-1154
(1997) Continuing human rights violations in East Timor. Annual report of human rights violations in East Timor, 1996 . East Timor Human Rights Centre, Fitzroy, Victoria.
Sissons, Miranda E (1997) From one day to another : violations of women's reproductive and sexual rights in East Timor. East Timor Human Rights Centre, Fitzroy, Victoria.
April 1998
(1998) Tapol bulletin no, 146, April 1998. Tapol bulletin (146). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154
Leahy, Mary and Bertone, Santina (2002) Raising the Barriers or Investing in our Future? In: VCOSS Social Policy Conference: proceedings. Victorian Council of Social Service, Victoria.
Peng, Xiujian (2005) Population ageing, human capital accumulation and economic growth in China : an applied general equilibrium analysis. Asian Population Studies, 1 (2). pp. 169-188. ISSN 1744-1730
Proudfoot, Lindsay and Hall, Dianne ORCID: 0000-0002-2303-8226 (external link)
Points of departure: remittance emigration from South-West Ulster to New South Wales in the later nineteenth century.
International Review of Social History, 50 (2).
pp. 241-277.
ISSN 0020-8590
Quazi, SH, Adhikary, Sajal Kumar, Wan Hasim, WI and Rezaur, RB (2005) Road traffic accident situation in Khulna City, Bangladesh. In: Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS): Gearing up for sustainable transportation in Eastern Asia, 21 September 2005-24 September 2005, Bangkok, Thailand.
December 2006
Peng, Xiujian and Fausten, D (2006) Population ageing and labour supply prospects in China from 2005 to 2050. Asia-Pacific Population Journal, 21 (3). 31 - 62. ISSN 0259-238X
Broadbent, Robyn, Carpenter, Cathryn and Cacciattolo, Marcelle (2007) A Tale of Two Communities: Refugee Relocation in Australia. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 42 (4). pp. 581-601. ISSN 0157-6321
Cacciattolo, Marcelle, Broadbent, Robyn and Carpenter, Cathryn (2007) Indicators of Host Community Readers in Refugee Relocation Programs: Factors that Contribute to a Positive Relocation Experience. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2 (1). pp. 425-434. ISSN 1833-1882
Gopalkrishnan, Narayan and Babacan, Hurriyet (2007) Ties that Bind: Marriage and Partner Choice in the Indian Community in Australia in a Transnational Context. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 14 (4). pp. 507-526. ISSN 1070-289X
Grace, Marty (2007) Australian women's and men's incomes by age of youngest child. Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics, 2 (2). pp. 47-57. ISSN 1833-4318
Hughes, Kate (2007) Mothering Mother: An Exploration of the Perceptions of Adult Children of Divorce. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 42 (4). pp. 563-579. ISSN 0157-6321
Leuner, Beata (2007) Settling Down and Settlement Patterns. Case Study: Polish Migrants from the 1980s in Melbourne. Polish Sociological Review, 160 (4). pp. 417-429. ISSN 1231-1413
Peng, Xiujian and Spoehr, J (2007) Demographic Change and Population Ageing: Implications for Labour Supply and Economic Growth in a City State-South Australia. In: State of Australian Cities Conference 2007, 28 November 2007-30 November 2007, Adelaide.
Tilse, Cheryl, Wilson, Jill, Setterlund, Deborah and Rosenman, Linda (2007) The New Caring: Financial Asset Management and Older People. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1114 (1). pp. 355-361. ISSN 0077-8923
March 2007
Narayan, PK and Peng, Xiujian (2007) Japan's fertility transition: Empirical evidence from the bounds testing approach to cointegration. Japan and the World Economy, 19 (2). 263 - 278. ISSN 0922-1425
Aizpurúa, Romina Iebra and Fisher, Adrian (2008) Together but Separated: The Acculturation Experience of Latin American Women in Australia. The Australian Community Psychologist, 20 (2). pp. 30-43. ISSN 18357393
September 2008
Gordon, Meg, Cuskelly, Monica and Rosenman, Linda (2008) Influences on Mothers' Employment When Children Have Disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 5 (3). pp. 203-210. ISSN 1741-1122
Peucker, Mario ORCID: 0000-0003-1759-2578 (external link)
Datenerhebung zur Diskriminierungsbekämpfung - eine Gefahr für die informationelle Selbstbestimmung?
"Nothing to hide - nothing to fear?". Datenschutz - Transparenz - Solidarität. Jahrbuch menschenrechte 2011.
Bielefeldt, HB, Deile, VD, Hamm, BH, Hutter, FH, Kurtenbach, SK and Tretter, HT, eds.
Böhlau, Vienna, pp. 243-257.
Proudfoot, Lindsay and Hall, Dianne ORCID: 0000-0002-2303-8226 (external link)
Imperial Spaces: Placing the Irish and Scots in Colonial Australia.
Studies in imperialism (Manchester, England)
Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Hughes, Katie (2012) Personal Lives. In: Australian Sociology : A Changing Society. 3rd edition. Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., pp. 217-241.
Tran, Thi Tuyet (June) and White, Julie (2012) Managed universities: Vietnam and the West. In: Discourse, power, and resistance down under. Vicars, Mark, McKenna, Tarquam and White, Julie, eds. Transgressions: cultural studies and education (88). Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 151-160.
Madden, John R, Tran, NH, Giesecke, James A ORCID: 0000-0002-7283-0551 (external link) and Roos, Elizabeth
Can temporary visas be an effective policy instrument for regional development?: a general equilibrium analysis.
In: 60th Meeting of the North American Regional Science Association, 13 November 2013-16 November 2013, Atlanta.
July 2013
Mai, Yinhua, Peng, Xiujian and Chen, Wei (2013) How fast is the population ageing in China? Asian Population Studies, 9 (2). 216 - 239. ISSN 1744-1730
Liddle, Brantley (2014) Impact of population, age structure, and urbanization on carbon emissions/energy consumption: evidence from macro-level, cross-country analyses. Population and Environment, 35 (3). 286 - 304. ISSN 1573-7810
June 2014
Angus, Jocelyn (2014) Book review: Global aging in the twenty-first century: Challenges, opportunities and implications by S.A. McDaniel and Z. Zimmer. Ashgate, Burlington, VT, 2013. 377 pp. ISBN 978-1-4094-3270-8. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 33 (2). 136 - 136. ISSN 1741-6612
July 2014
Dixon, Peter, Rimmer, Maureen T and Roberts, BW (2014) Restricting employment of low-paid immigrants: a general equilibrium assessment of the social welfare implications for legal U.S. wage earners. Contemporary Economic Policy, 32 (3). 639 - 652. ISSN 1074-3529
Stephens, Julie ORCID: 0000-0002-6446-2218 (external link)
Reconfiguring care and family in the era of the ‘outsourced self’.
Journal of Family Studies, 21 (3).
208 - 217.
ISSN 1322-9400
June 2015
McMichael, C, Nunn, Caitlin, Gifford, S and Correa-Velez, Ignacio (2015) Studying Refugee Settlement through Longitudinal Research: Methodological and Ethical Insights from the Good Starts Study. Journal of Refugee Studies, 28 (2). pp. 238-257. ISSN 0951-6328
September 2015
Judson, Ellis, Bell, Sandra, Bulkeley, H, Powells, G, Capova, KA and Lynch, D (2015) Sociality and electricity in the United Kingdom: The influence of household dynamics on everyday consumption. Energy Research & Social Science, 9. 98 - 106. ISSN 2214-6296
November 2015
ZHANG, Zhu and Surujlal, J (2015) The influence of selected demographic variables on attitudes towards selling sex at a mega sporting event : a case study of the 2010 Soccer World Cup : sport management and governance. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance : Current issues in sport, physical activity, recreation and health, 21 (Supplement 1). 95 - 107. ISSN 1117-4315
Ben-Moshe, Danny, Pyke, Joanne ORCID: 0000-0002-0137-937X (external link) and Kirpitchenko, L
The Vietnamese diaspora in Australia: identity and transnational behaviour.
Diaspora Studies, 9 (2).
112 - 127.
ISSN 0973-9572
Nunn, Caitlin, McMichael, C, Gifford, S and Correa-Velez, Ignacio (2016) Mobility and security: the perceived benefits of citizenship for resettled young people from refugee backgrounds. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (3). pp. 382-399. ISSN 1369-183X
McMichael, C, Nunn, Caitlin, Gifford, S and Correa-Velez, Ignacio (2017) Return visits and belonging to countries of origin among young people from refugee backgrounds. Global Networks, 17 (3). pp. 382-399. ISSN 1470–2266
February 2019
Dwyer, Dan, Bellesini, Kylie, Gastin, Paul B, Kremer, Peter and Dawson, Andrew ORCID: 0000-0003-1596-6927 (external link)
The Australian high performance and sport science workforce: a national profile.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 22 (2).
pp. 227-231.
ISSN 1440-2440
Saber, Abdullatef (2020) The Impact of Financial Literacy on Household Wealth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Other Degree thesis, Victoria University.
1 April 2020
Tran, Nhi ORCID: 0000-0001-9156-4845 (external link), Roos, Elizabeth
ORCID: 0000-0002-6804-4793 (external link), Giesecke, James A
ORCID: 0000-0002-7283-0551 (external link) and Madden, John R
Can regionally-targeted temporary visas be an effective policy instrument? A general equilibrium analysis.
Population Change and Impacts in Asia and the Pacific.
Poot, Jacques and Roskruge, Mattnew, eds.
New fronteirs in regional science : Asian perspectives
Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 151-181.