Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Geographical Differences in the rate in which Victorian students participate in higher education

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Harman, Elizabeth and Bett, Denise (2008) Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Geographical Differences in the rate in which Victorian students participate in higher education. Other. Victoria University, Melbourne. (Submitted)


Submission by Victoria University into Victorian Government's Inquiry, by Liz Harman. Presents responses to the key research questions of the Inquiry. Contains presentation "Aspirations project preliminary data analysis" written by Denise Bett.

Item type Monograph (Other)
Official URL
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1301 Education Systems
Historical > SEO Classification > 9399 Other Education and Training
Current > Division/Research > Other
Keywords western region of Melbourne, teriary education, higher education, equity in education, Melbourne's Western Suburbs
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