Timor link, no. 12/13, April 1988

(1988) Timor link, no. 12/13, April 1988. Timor link (11/12). pp. 1-16.


Contents: Asia-Pacific Consultation: full text of the statement -- News from inside -- Document: fixing foreign visits- secrets from 1976 -- Church news: papal concern, but doubts remain -- International: new talks on a Portuguese visit to Timor -- Review: Eukumindo on East Timor

Additional Information

Timor Link incorporates the English edition of Em Timor-Leste a paz e possivel and is published by the Catholic Institute for International Relations in association with a group of Christians in Portugal working for peace in East Timor

Item type Article
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/25951
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Historical > FOR Classification > 1608 Sociology
Current > Collections > Timor Leste
Keywords Timor-Leste, East Timor, human rights violations, instructions for foreign visits, Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, Pope John Paul II, Vatican, Fourth Christian Consultation, Indonesia, Eukumindo, ecumenicalism, Christian Reflection on East Timor, Australia, Portugal, UN, United Nations
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