My sister chaos : women and exile : a novel and inter-layered exegesis

Fergus, Larissa (2010) My sister chaos : women and exile : a novel and inter-layered exegesis. PhD thesis, Victoria University.


My Sister Chaos: Women and Exile is a creative writing thesis in a single volume. It comprises a novel - My Sister Chaos - and exegesis. Both novel and exegesis are centred around a research question: 'What are some ways of constructing and representing the idea of exile as it relates to women, particularly as lesbians and as artists?' The novel responds creatively to the question, and the exegesis engages it through the forms and processes of academic analysis. The research draws on the theoretical frameworks of feminist human rights and socio-political theory, as well as lesbian feminist literary theory and philosophy. Conceptual links and associations are created, images juxtaposed, and patterns identified to generate new ideas through the interaction of both creative and 'academic' methodologies. The broad question of how exile is experienced by women is layered with considerations of how women who reject 'the category of sex' live in a society founded upon that distinction, and how they, as artists, seek to understand and represent a world to which they do not 'belong.'

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Communication and the Arts
Historical > FOR Classification > 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing
Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Historical > FOR Classification > 2005 Literary Studies
Keywords literature, novels, fiction, homosexuality, lesbians, women artists, feminism, conceptual location, conceptualisation, methodology
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