1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing
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- 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing (383)
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Artefact | Article | Book | Book Section | Conference or Workshop Item | Monograph | Other | Performance | Show/Exhibition | Thesis | Video
Bilbrough, Paola (2013) Porous: poems. [Artefact]
Bilbrough, Paola, Ford, M and Heneghan, K (2007) Extraordinary Women. [Artefact]
Balla, Paola (2016) Three Is The Magic Number. The Victorian writer, 2016 (6). pp. 22-23. ISSN 2203-1197
Banks, Glenda and Andrew, Martin (2012) Migrating from nonfiction to fiction: a practice-led approach drawing on a literary journalist's notional tool-box. Text, 16 (1). ISSN 1327-9556
Berger, Karen (2010) The White Darkness: Confluences in the Imaginative Explorations of Identity and 'the Other' in the work of Three Jewish Woman Artists in the Tropics - Maya Deren (1917 - 1961) in Haiti, Clarice Lispector (1920 - 1977) in Brazil, and Helene Cixous (1937-). etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 9. ISSN 1448-2940
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Akzente, 2016 (4).
57 - 64.
ISSN 0002-3957
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Bobby Moses.
Griffith Review (63).
pp. 287-295.
ISSN 1839-2954
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Overland (225).
17 - 24.
ISSN 1444-3163
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Transition, 126.
pp. 34-42.
ISSN 1527-8042
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
On Bullshit.
Overland (233).
pp. 20-21.
ISSN 0030-7416
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
On Grief.
Overland (235).
ISSN 0030-7416
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
On Kes.
Overland (232).
pp. 85-86.
ISSN 0030-7416
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
On Thinking.
Overland (234).
pp. 69-70.
ISSN 0030-7416
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
On little black rocks.
Overland (228).
pp. 17-18.
ISSN 0030-7416
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Party Lights.
Review of Australian Fiction, 20 (2).
37 - 40.
ISSN 2201-764X
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Returning [again].
Weather stations.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
'There is No Axe': Identity, Story and a Sombrero.
Meanjin, 78 (1).
pp. 26-32.
ISSN 0025-6293
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Two Fires: Christmas Hills to Banff.
Meanjin, 76 (4).
pp. 216-225.
ISSN 0025-6293
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
White Australia stole Indigenous children. And then stole their victimhood too.
The Guardian Australian edition, 2017.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
With Rebecca : ربیکا کے ساتھ – ٹونی برچ.
Cordite Poetry Review, 55 (1).
ISSN 1328-2107
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Writing Ghost River.
ISSN 0025-6293
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
The ghost train.
Kenyon Review, 39 (2).
19 - 25.
ISSN 0163-075X
Cameron, Margaret (2002) Knowledge and Melancholy: an autobiographical fiction by 'solo female performer'. Masthead (5). ISSN 441791X
Cameron, Margaret (2005) Paco Pêna. The Open Page (10).
Cameron, Margaret (2004) What Gulliver walks here? The Open Page : a journal of women's thoughts, questions and visions for theatre (9). pp. 90-96.
Cameron, Margaret (2006) The proscenium. Masthead : : arts, culture and politics (10). ISSN 1441-791X
Carolan-Olah, Mary ORCID: 0000-0001-5908-9685, Barry, Maebh, Gamble, Mary, Turner, Kathleen and Mascarenas, Oscar
Experiences of pregnant women attending a lullaby programme in Limerick, Ireland: a qualitative study.
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 0266-6138 (print) 1532-3099 (online)
Carolan-Olah, Mary ORCID: 0000-0001-5908-9685, Barry, Maebh, Gamble, Mary, Turner, Kathleen and Mascarenas, Oscar
The Limerick Lullaby project: An intervention to relieve prenatal stress.
Midwifery, 28 (2).
pp. 173-180.
ISSN 0266-6138 (print) 1532-3099 (online)
Cerne, Helen (2007) Action Painters. Hecate, 33 (2). pp. 114-115. ISSN 0311-4198
Cerne, Helen (2003) Homage to Three Painters. Hecate : an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation, 29 (2). pp. 297-298. ISSN 0311-4198
Cerne, Helen (2007) Snapshot. Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation, 33 (1). p. 247. ISSN 0311-4198
Cerne, Helen (2004) Writing to be shared. Tirra Lirra, 14 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1038-8400
Chellew, Peter and Papadopoulos, Theo (2004) Community-Based Education and Training: Creating Pathways into the Music Industry for Youth. MEIEA Journal , 4 (1). pp. 13-27. ISSN 1559-7334
Clark, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-0313-9484
We Are All Truth-Tellers Now.
Sydney Review of Books.
ISSN 2201-8735
Clark, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-0313-9484, Meany, Michael and Joseph, Sam
Comedy and Artificial Intelligence: Do We Laugh When a Thing Gives the Impression of Being a Person?
International Journal of New Media, Technology and the Arts, 8 (2).
21 - 34.
ISSN 2326-9987
Clark, Tom (2008) In Praise of Cricketmas. Eureka Street (magazine), 18 (19). pp. 21-25. ISSN 1036-1758
Clark, Tom (2011) Speech, script, and performance: towards a public poetics of the political speechwriter's role. Prism Online Journal, 8 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1448-4404
Clark, Tom (2007) Three poems: 'Canada, Late September' 'That Old Light on the Hill' and 'Why be a Delegate'. Cordite Poetry Review. p. 3. ISSN 1328-2107
Clark, Tom, Dwyer, Natasha and Cofta, Piotr (2011) Reading Trust and Distrust in Shared Documents: Film Professionals Review Film Reviews. Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, 1 (4). pp. 110-119. ISSN 2182-2069
Clark, Tom and Meany, Michael (2011) Scripting Humour in Conversational Agents: Improvisation and Emergence of Humorous Interchanges. International Journal of the Arts in Society, 5 (5). pp. 225-236. ISSN 1833-1866
Clark, Tom and Weaven, Mary (2011) Evolution and Contingency: Poetry, Curriculum and Culture in Victoria, Australia. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 18 (1). pp. 75-84. ISSN 1469-3585
Corcoran, Tim (2014) Are the kids alright? Relating to representations of youth. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. ISSN 0267-3843 (print) 2164-4527 (online)
Dempster, Elizabeth (2008) Not dancing under modernism: Duncan and the postmoderns. Writings on Dance (24). pp. 49-58. ISSN 0817-3710
Dempster, Elizabeth (2003) Touching light. Performance research, 8 (4). pp. 46-51. ISSN 1352-8165
Dempster, Elizabeth (2007) Welcome to Country: Performing Rights and the Pedagogy of Place. About Performance, 7. pp. 87-97. ISSN 1342-6089
Dempster, Elizabeth (2008) The choreography of the pedestrian. Performance Research, 13 (1). pp. 23-28. ISSN 1352-8165
Dempster, Elizabeth and Aidani, Mammad (2012) How we walk, sit and stand. Writings on Dance (25). pp. 30-49. ISSN 0817-3710
Dempster, Elizabeth, Card, Amanda and Long, Julie-Anne (2011) Response to Erin Brannigan's 'Moving Across Disciplines: Dance in the 21st Century'. Platform papers (26). pp. 70-81. ISSN 1449-583X
Dempster, Elizabeth and Gardner, Sally (2008) Ros Warby: Framing Practice (an interview with Ros Warby and Sally Gardner). Writings on Dance (24). pp. 77-93. ISSN 0817-3170
Evans, Megan and Gandolfo, Enza (2009) Collaborating with the enemy. Text (6). ISSN 1327-9556
Foley, Gary (2013) Brian Syron – Forgotten Aboriginal Hero of Theatre. Tracker : be informed, be involved, be inspired. ISSN 1838-8159
Foley, Gary (2013) Music, Mac and Malabar Mansion. Tracker : be informed, be involved, be inspired. ISSN 1838-8159
Foley, Gary (2011) Ode to Billy Hunter : Address to Bill Hunter Memorial Service, Princess Theatre, Melbourne 26th May 2011. Tracker : be informed, be involved, be inspired. ISSN 1838-8159
Gandolfo, Enza ORCID: 0000-0001-9215-2500
Aerogram letters.
Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation, 40 (1).
pp. 145-154.
ISSN 0311-4198
Gandolfo, Enza ORCID: 0000-0001-9215-2500
City ghosts.
TEXT Special Issue No 30: Creative Writing as Research IV, 19 (2).
ISSN 1327-9556
Gandolfo, Enza (2012) Constructing imaginary narratives: practice-led research and feminist practice in creative writing. Qualitative Research Journal, 12 (1). pp. 61-74. ISSN 1443-9883
Gandolfo, Enza (2010) Extract from Lucia's Story. Text - Journal of Writing and Writing Courses (7). ISSN 1327-9556
Gandolfo, Enza (2008) Feminist Fictionmaking. New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 5 (2). pp. 140-149. ISSN 1479-0726
Gandolfo, Enza (2000) Of a class. Overland (159). pp. 18-22. ISSN 0030-7416
Gandolfo, Enza ORCID: 0000-0001-9215-2500
Take a walk in their shoes: Empathy and emotion in the writing process.
TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Programs, 18 (1).
ISSN 1327-9556
Gandolfo, Enza (2012) Women Walking: Fragments. Text, 16 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1327-9556
Gandolfo, Enza ORCID: 0000-0001-9215-2500
Writing working class ghosts.
TEXT: Journal Of Writing And Writing Courses, 20 (2).
ISSN 1327-9556
Gandolfo, Enza and Duggan, Jo-Anne (2011) Other Spaces: Migration, Objects and Archives. Modern Italy, 16 (3). pp. 315-328. ISSN 1353–2944 (print) 1469–9877 (online)
Grossman, Michele (2008) Creative Cloning: A Polemic on the 'research base' in creative writing theses. Strange 4, 4 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 1447-4670
Hall, Rodney (2009) Four shots at silence. Griffith review (26). pp. 149-154. ISSN 1448-2924
Hyde, Michael (2010) Getting out of the boat. Overland (199). pp. 10-17. ISSN 0030-7416
Jackson, Debra, Andrew, Sharon ORCID: 0000-0001-5019-2782 and Cleary, Michelle
Telling our stories: writing for publication to enhance reflective and contextualised family and community practice.
Contemporary Nurse, 41 (1).
2 - 4.
ISSN 1037-6178
Kelman, David (2018) ‘Am I not beautiful?’: cultural identity and the process of co-authorship. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. ISSN 1356-9783
Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910
Authorship and Meta-fiction in Carol Shields' 'Unless' and Siri Hustvedt's 'The Summer without Men'.
International Journal of the Humanities, 9 (8).
pp. 45-56.
ISSN 1447-9508
Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910
'The recounting of a life is a cheat': Unreliable narration and fragmentary memory in historical fiction.
Text, 16 (1).
ISSN 1327-9556
Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910
‘A testicular hit-list of literary big cats’.
Overland, 223.
14 - 20.
ISSN 1444-3163
Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910 and Van Loon, J
Gendered Authorship and Cultural Authority in Siri Hustvedt's the Blazing World.
Contemporary Women's Writing, 12 (1).
pp. 49-66.
ISSN 1754-1476
LEE, Jennifer ORCID: 0000-0002-5383-694X
Verandah (22).
pp. 24-28.
ISSN 1448-4900
Lee, Jenny ORCID: 0000-0002-5383-694X
I'm fat, I have sex, get over it!
Cult magazine (8).
pp. 26-29.
Lee, Jenny ORCID: 0000-0002-5383-694X
Not just a type: diabetes, fat and fear.
Somatechnics, 2 (1).
pp. 80-83.
ISSN 2044-0138 (print) 2044-0146 (online)
Lee, Jenny ORCID: 0000-0002-5383-694X
A big fat fight: the case for fat activism.
Overland, NA (207).
pp. 11-17.
ISSN 0030-7416
McLaren, John (1995) John Meredith : Real Folk. Meanjin, 54 (3). pp. 641-463. ISSN 0025-6293
McLaren, John (2014) Laurie Clancy as Novelist of the Secular City. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 14 (4). 52 - 63. ISSN 1833-6027
McLaren, John (2000) The scandal of Ulysses. Tirra Lirra, 11 (1). pp. 18-23. ISSN 1038-8400
McLaren, John and Freadman, R (2014) Introduction. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 14 (4). 2 - 3. ISSN 1833-6027
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844
Searching and searching again – finding meaning through arts-based research.
Qualitative Research Journal, 14 (3).
307 - 317.
ISSN 1443-9883
Meany, Michael and Clark, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-0313-9484
Chat-bot Humour: A survey of Methodological Approaches for a Creative New Media Project.
International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 8 (1).
pp. 23-32.
ISSN 1832-3669
Meany, Michael, Clark, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-0313-9484 and Laineste, Liisi
Comedy, Creativity, and Culture: A Metamodern Perspective.
International Journal of Literary Humanities, 11 (4).
ISSN 2327-7912
Meany, Michael M and Clark, Tom (2013) Design dramaturgy: a case study in new media, humor and artificial intelligence. Design principles and practices: an international journal - annual review, 6 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 1833-1874
Minchinton, Mark and De Clario, Domenico (2007) Kellerberrin On Our Minds. About Performance (7). pp. 45-67. ISSN 1342-6089
Nunn, Caitlin (2017) Translations-Generations: Representing and Producing Migration Generations Through Arts-Based Research. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 38 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 0725-6868
Pelosi, Ligia (2018) Blogging towards understanding: rethinking the notion of data. Qualitative Research Journal, 18 (4). pp. 371-382. ISSN 1443-9883
Pelosi, Ligia (2015) The participant as evolving protagonist. Qualitative Research Journal, 15 (2). 112 - 120. ISSN 1448-0980
Petsinis, Thomas (2007) Elena and the Nightingale. Le Simplegadi, 5 (5). pp. 6-35. ISSN 1824-5226
Petsinis, Thomas (2010) Prospecting. Le Simplegadi, VIII (8). pp. 5-11. ISSN 1824-5226
Petsinis, Tom (2004) Proof of Innocence. Space: New Writing (1). pp. 39-43. ISSN 1449-2229
Pruitt, Lesley (2007) Real Men Kill and a Lady Never Talks Back: Gender Goes to War in Country Music. International Journal on World Peace, 24 (4). pp. 85-106. ISSN 0742-3640
Pruitt, Lesley (2008) They Drop Beats, Not Bombs: A Brief Discussion of Issues Surrounding the Potential of Music and Dance in Youth Peace-building. Australian Journal of Peace Studies, 3. pp. 14-32. ISSN 1833-993X
Reilly, Edward (2007) Equinox. Mattoid : a journal of literary and cultural studies (55). pp. 89-91. ISSN 0314-5913
Reilly, Edward (2005) In a still moment. Redreaming the Plain. ISSN 1447-3461
Reilly, Edward (2004) Vernals. Space: new writing, 1. pp. 46-50. ISSN 1449-2229
Smith, Karina (2014) ‘The Attic of My Grandmother's Subconscious’: ‘Whiteness’, ‘Illegitimacy’ and Migration in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Honor Ford-Smith's ‘Grandma's Estate’. Women: A Cultural Review, 25 (3). 287 - 304. ISSN 0957-4042
Smith, Karina (2013) Book review: ‘these things not marked on paper’: creolisation, affect and tomboyism in Joan Anim-Addo’s Janie, Cricketing Lady and Margaret Cezair-Thompson’s The Pirate’s Daughter. Feminist Review, 104 (1). 119 - 137. ISSN 0141-7789
Smith, Karina (2013) From Politics to Therapy: Sistren Theatre Collective's Theatre and Outreach Work in Jamaica. New Theatre Quarterly, 29 (1). 87 - 97. ISSN 1474-0613
Smith, Karina (2020) Mapping a Counter-Topography Through Popular Theatre: Sistren Theatre Collective's Feminist Activism in Jamaica and Canada. Gender, Place and Culture. ISSN 0966-369X
Smith, Karina (2008) Narratives of Success, Narratives of Failure: the creation and collapse of Sistren's 'aesthetic space'. Modern Drama, 51 (2). pp. 234-258. ISSN 0026-7694
Smith, Karina (2013) North-south theatre exchanges: Sistren's tours of Canada in the 1980s and early 1990s. Theatre Research in Canada-Recherches Theatrales au Canada, 34 (2). 254 - 280. ISSN 1196-1198
Smith, Karina (2019) “Once upon a time there was a little girl…”: colonialism, “illegitimacy”, and speciesism in Scott Rankin’s Beasty Girl: The Secret Life of Errol Flynn. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 54 (3). pp. 413-428. ISSN 0021-9894
Smith, Karina (2008) Resisting the Cancer of Silence: the formation of Sistren's "feminist democracy". Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial Writing & Culture, XXX (2). pp. 71-85. ISSN 0106-5734
Smith, Karina (2010) Struggling to Cross the Race and Class Divide: Sistren's Theatrical and Organizational Model of Collectivity. Theatre Research International, 36 (1). pp. 64-78. ISSN 0307-8833
Sonn, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-6175-1030, Quayle, Amy
ORCID: 0000-0003-3824-1056, Belanji, B and Baker, Alison
ORCID: 0000-0002-6830-3185
Responding to racialization through arts practice: the case of participatory theater.
Journal of Community Psychology, 43 (2).
244 - 259.
ISSN 0090-4392
Stevenson, Mark (2014) One as form and shadow: Theater and the space of sentimentality in nineteenth-century Beijing. Frontiers of History in China, 9 (2). 225 - 246. ISSN 1673-3401
Taylor, Gretel (2010) Empty? A critique of the notion of ‘emptiness’ in Butoh and Body Weather training. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training , 1 (1). pp. 72-87. ISSN 1944-3927 (print) 1944-3919 (online)
Trail, Margaret (2013) ‘And she flies! Beautiful’: the dislocating geography of football sound. Coolabah, 11. pp. 315-322. ISSN 1988-5946
Trail, Margaret (2010) How to Swarm: Researching Sounds of Football's Play. Creative Approaches to Research, 3 (1). pp. 67-81. ISSN 1835-9434 (print) 1835-9442 (online)
Trail, Margaret (2010) Sonic trickery in swarming play: football’s dangerous fun. Hidden Stories: Exterior Worlds (13). ISSN 1447-9591
Vicars, Mark ORCID: 0000-0003-0684-2180 and McKenna, Tarquam
ORCID: 0000-0002-4015-3453
In the thick of things: drama as a qualitative methodology.
Qualitative Research Journal, 15 (4).
416 - 429.
ISSN 1443-9883
Walker, Linda Marie and Walton, Judith May (2009) Tender and true: the place the time the particle. IDEA Journal, 2009. pp. 42-51. ISSN 1445-5412
Weaven, Mary and Rohan, C (2015) Creating cultural capital in the classroom: being perfectly frank about writing. English in Australia, 50 (2). 61 - 70. ISSN 0155-2147
Weldon, John (2012) The Effect of Digitisation on the Novel. The International Journal of the Book, 9 (4). pp. 57-68. ISSN 1447-9516
Weldon, John ORCID: 0000-0002-8103-0636, Case, Jo and Neil, Malcolm
Bookshops, ebooks and the future of the novel.
Overland (207).
51 - 64.
ISSN 1444-3163
Welsh, Scott ORCID: 0000-0001-9707-8557
Monologue writing as social education: applying creative practice.
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 22 (2).
226 - 232.
ISSN 1356-9783
Welsh, Scott ORCID: 0000-0001-9707-8557
The Phenomenology of monologue writing as pedagogy.
Journal of Public Pedagogies (1).
68 - 74.
ISSN 2207-4422
White, Julie (2006) Arias of learning: creativity and performativity in Australian teacher education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 36 (3). pp. 435-453. ISSN 0305-764X (Print) 1469-3577 (Online)
Winarnita, Monika ORCID: 0000-0001-5481-063X
The Not-so-gentle Makassarese Fan Dance: Misperformance Challenging Indonesian-Australian Transnational Femininity.
Anthropological Forum, 26 (2).
177 - 195.
ISSN 0066-4677
Young, James O and Cameron, Margaret (2018) Jean-Baptiste Du Bos’ Critical Reflections on Poetry and Painting and Hume’s Treatise. British Journal of Aesthetics, 58 (2). pp. 119-130. ISSN 0007-0904
Linden, Maya, Sved, Miriam, Scott, Maggie, Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910 and Nieman, Christie, eds.
Just between us : Australian writers tell the truth about female friendship.
Macmillan, Sydney.
Scott, M, Sved, M, Nieman, C, Linden, M and Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910, eds.
Mothers & Others: Australian writers on why not all women are mothers and not all mothers are the same.
Pan Macmillan Australia, Sydney, NSW.
Ash, Kathryn, Carleton, Stephen, Evans, Gail and Harris, Anne (2004) From the edge: Two plays from Northern Australia. Playlab Press publication . Playlab Press, Fortitude Valley, Qld..
Averill, Roger ORCID: 0000-0003-1008-7165
Relatively Famous.
Transit Lounge, Melbourne, Victoria.
Bilbrough, Paola and McKenzie, G (2010) No One Eats Alone: From Sudan to Melbourne. New Hope Foundation, Melbourne, Victoria.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, Queensland.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Broken Teeth.
Cordite Press, Melbourne.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Common People.
University of Queensland Press, St Lucia.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Ghost River.
University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Queensland.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
The Promise.
University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Queensland.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
The White Girl.
University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Queensland.
Branford, Anna and Davis, Sarah (2015) Violet Mackerel's Formal Occasion. Walker Books Australia, Newtown.
Branford, Anna and Davis, Sarah (2014) Violet Mackerel's Helpful Suggestion. Walker Books Australia, Newtown, New South Wales.
Branford, Anna (2015) Lily The Elf: The Elf Flute. Lily the Elf . Walker Books Australia, Newtown, NSW.
Branford, Anna (2015) Lily The Elf: The Midnight Owl. Walker Books Australia, Newtown, NSW.
Branford, Anna (2015) Lily The Elf: The Precious Ring. Lily The Elf . Walker Books Australia, Newtown, NSW.
Branford, Anna (2016) Lily the Elf: The Jumble Sale. Walker Books Australia, Newtown, New South Wales.
Branford, Anna (2016) Lily the Elf: The Sleepover. Walker Books Australia, Newtown, New South Wales.
Branford, Anna (2011) Neville no-phone. Walker Books, Newtown, N.S.W..
Branford, Anna (2010) Sophie's Salon. Aussie Bites . Penguin, Camberwell, Vic..
Branford, Anna (2010) Violet Mackerel's Brilliant Plot. Violet Mackerel . Walker Books, Newtown, N.S.W..
Branford, Anna (2011) Violet Mackerel's Natural Habitat. Violet Mackerel . Walker Books, Newtown, N.S.W..
Branford, Anna (2012) Violet Mackerel's Personal Space. Violet Mackerel . Walker Books, Newtown, N.S.W..
Branford, Anna (2011) Violet Mackerel's Remarkable Recovery. Violet Mackerel . Walker Books, Newtown, N.S.W..
Branford, Anna and Coutts, L (2015) Lily The Elf: The Wishing Seed. Lily The Elf . Walker Books Australia, Newtown, NSW.
Cerne, Helen (2003) Just heart work: poems and short fiction. Vanark Press, Werribee, Vic..
Cerne, Helen (2007) Those Who Can't. Vanark Press, Ascot Vale, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2013) Bone Song. Ransom Publishing, Winchester, Hampshire, UK.
Clark, Sherryl (2003) Boots and All. Aussie chomps . Puffin Books, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2007) A Boy, A Boat and an Adventure. Whole child . Rigby, Port Melbourne, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2015) Do You Dare? Jimmy's War. Penguin Australia, Melbourne.
Clark, Sherryl (2011) Dying to Tell Me. Kane/Miller Book Publishers, San Diego, CA.
Clark, Sherryl (2004) Farm Kid. Premier's Reading Challenge, 7-9 . Puffin, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2004) Flipside. Costain, Meridith, ed. Awesome! series 3 . Pearson Longman, South Melbourne.
Clark, Sherryl (2009) The Little Pirate and the Treasure Map. Aussie nibbles . Puffin, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2005) The Littlest Pirate and the Hammerheads. Aussie nibbles . Puffin, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2007) The Littlest Pirate in a Pickle. Aussie nibbles . Puffin, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2008) The Littlest Pirate. Penguin Viking, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2010) Motormouth. Puffin, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2010) Now I Am Bigger. Working Title Press, Kingswood, S. Aust..
Clark, Sherryl (2010) One Perfect Pirouette. University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld..
Clark, Sherryl (2006) Pirates of Quentaris. Pryor, Michael and Collins, Paul, eds. The Quentaris chronicles . Lothian, South Melbourne.
Clark, Sherryl (2006) Problem Pony. Aussie bites . Puffin, Camberwell, VIc..
Clark, Sherryl (2009) Saving Moonbeam. Aussie bites . Puffin, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2006) Scaredy Cat! ZigZags Pack 1 . Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2005) Sir Talkalot and the Dragon. Reading corner, grade 2 . Franklin Watts, London.
Clark, Sherryl (2007) Sixth Grade Style Queen, Not! Puffin, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2003) Susie the Lifesaver. Aussie nibbles . Puffin, Camberwell, Vic..
Clark, Sherryl (2009) Tracey Binns is Lost. University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld..
Clark, Sherryl (2008) Tracey Binns is Trouble. Premier's reading challenge 5-6 / Premier's reading challenge 7-9 . University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld..
Clark, Sherryl and Perry, E (2016) Magic Feet. Penguin Random House Australia, North Sydney.
Clark, Sherryl and Perry, E (2016) Pocket Rocket. Penguin Random House Australia, North Sydney.
Clark, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-0313-9484
For the love of regional areas: Verses and lyrics public and personal from the last years of Australia.
Clark, Tom (2004) Oi : powemz bii Tom See. Cordite Press, Melbourne.
Clark, Tom (2012) Stay on Message: Poetry and Truthfulness in Political Speech. Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne, Victoria.
Cortese, Raimondo (2005) Roulette : 12 Dialogues. Currency Plays . Currency Press, Strawberry Hill, N.S.W..
Cortese, Raimondo (2001) St Kilda Tales. Current Theatre Series . Currency Press in association with Playbox Theatre, Sydney.
Croyden, Christine (2009) The Cat's Paw. Australian Script Centre, Hobart, Tas..
Croyden, Christine (2010) The Fallen Tree. Australian Script Centre, Hobart, Tas..
Croyden, Christine (2010) Love Your Poison. Australian Script Centre, Hobart, Tas..
Croyden, Christine (2010) The Memory Thief. Equilibrium Books, Mandurah, W.A..
Croyden, Christine (2008) The Painted Portal. Equilibrium Books, Mandurah, W.A..
Dodd, Sue and Gandolfo, Enza (2007) Inventory: on Op Shops. Vulgar Press, Carlton North, Victoria.
Gandolfo, Enza (2009) Swimming: a novel. Vanark Press, Ascot Vale, Vic..
Hall, Rodney (2012) Just Relations. Allen and Unwin, Sydney, N.S.W..
Hall, Rodney (2007) Love without Hope. Pan Macmillan, Sydney.
Hall, Rodney (2005) O Dia em que Hitler Foi lá a Casa. Temas e Debates, Setubal, Portugal.
Hyde, Michael (2006) Arch Rivals. Hardie Grant/Egmont, Prahan, Vic..
Hyde, Michael (2006) Champion's Cup. Change the game . Hardie Grant/Egmont, Souht Yarra, Victoria.
Hyde, Michael (2006) Finals Chance. Change the game . Hardie Grant Egmont, South Yarra, Vic..
Hyde, Michael (2003) Hey Joe. Vulgar Press, Carlton North, Vic..
Hyde, Michael (2006) Mud and Rain. Change the game . Hardie Grant Egmont, South Yarra, Vic..
Hyde, Michael (2006) Rough play. Change the game . Hardie Grant Egmont, Prahran, Vic..
Hyde, Michael (2006) Surfing Goliath. Lothian sports fiction . Lothian Books, South Melbourne.
Hyde, Michael (2007) Winning Streak. Change the game . Hardie Grant Egmont, Prahran, Vic..
Le, VT, Nguyen, TH and Phan, QT (2015) Poems of Le Van Tai, Nguyen Ton Hiet and Phan Quynh Tram. Nguen, Tuan Ngoc and Nha, T, eds. Vagabond Press, Newtown, New South Wales.
Lucas, Rosemary ORCID: 0000-0003-2068-318X
Even in the Dark.
UWA Publishing, Perth, Western Australia.
Lucas, Rosemary ORCID: 0000-0003-2068-318X
Unexpected Clearing : poems.
University of West Australia Press, Perth, Western Australia.
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844
Windows and Mirrors.
Picaro poets
Picaro Press, Port Adelaide, S.A..
Petsinis, Thomas (2009) My father's tools : a collection of poems. Arcadia, North Melbourne.
Petsinis, Thomas (2015) Quaternia: A Novel. Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne, Victoria.
Petsinis, Tom (2006) Four Quarters: a collection of poems. Thompson Walker, North Melbourne, Vic.
Tully, John (2010) Dark Clouds on the Mountain. Hybrid Publishers, Ormond, Victoria.
Tully, John (2015) Robbed of Every Blessing. Hybrid Publishers, Melbourne, Victoria.
Weldon, John ORCID: 0000-0002-8103-0636
Vulgar Press, Carlton North, Victoria.
Book Section
Andrew, Martin (2010) Double agents and triple: teacher-researcher-writers. In: The Strange Bedfellows or Perfect Partners Papers : the Refereed Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs 2010. Cole, Catherine, Freiman, Marcelle and Brien, Donna Lee, eds. Australian Association of Writing Programs Conference, Guyra, NSW.
Balla, Paola ORCID: 0000-0002-1321-1363
ARI’s and Whiteness.
An Act of Showing: Rethinking artist-run initiatives through place.
Miranda, Mario and LaCroix, Anabelle, eds.
Unlikely Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 69-75.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Common people.
University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Queensland, pp. 194-202.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Death Star.
Crime Scenes: stories.
Lovitt, Z, ed.
Spineless Wonders, Strawberry Hills, NSW, xx-xx.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Mustang Sally.
Man & Beast.
Rule, A, ed.
Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp. 21-26.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
Odette Brown.
Best summer stories.
Tuffield, Aviva, ed.
Black Inc., Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 189-198.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
'Our Red Sands dug and sifted': Sovereignty and the act of being.
Sovereignty : 17 December 2016-26 March 2017.
Balla, Paola and Delany, Max, eds.
Australian Centre For Contemporary Art (ACCA), Melbourne, pp. 19-26.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
The Best Australian Stories 2017.
Clarke, Beneba Maxine, ed.
Black Inc., Carlton, Vic, pp. 1-11.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
The Trouble with History.
Australian History Now.
Clark, A and Ashton, P, eds.
UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 232-250.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
'Your Heart Will Quicken': The Death and Birth of a Fan.
From the Outer: Footy Like You've Never Heard It.
Sometimes, A and Hayes, N, eds.
Black Inc, Melbourne, pp. 20-25.
Cacciattolo, Marcelle (2007) A Little Prick. In: Fences : A Collection of Work. HR Publications, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 75-78.
Cerne, Helen (2007) Forgotten Objects. In: Inventory: on Op Shops. Dodd, Sue and Gandolfo, Enza, eds. Vulgar Press, Carlton North, Victoria, p. 43.
Clark, Sherryl (2007) Fresh bait. In: Top stories 2. Maplestone, Fiona and Dobney, Steve, eds. Heinemann, Port Melbourne.
Clark, Sherryl (2003) Waitress. In: Said the rat. Harrison, Jennifer and Ilton, Phil, eds. Black Pepper, North Fitzroy, p. 180.
Clark, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-0313-9484 and Costa, Ravi de
Testimonial Textures: Examining the Poetics of Non-Indigenous Stories about Reconciliation.
Storytelling: Critical and Creative Approaches.
Shaw, Jan, Kelly, Philippa and Semler, Liam, eds.
Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 28-41.
Dempster, Elizabeth (2016) The economy of shame or why dance cannot fail. In: Choreography and Corporeality : Relay in Motion. DeFranz, T and Rothfield, P, eds. New world choreographies . Palgrave, London, pp. 155-172.
Dumenden, Iris (2016) ‘If You Believe, If You Keep Busy, You Can Develop yourself’: On Being a Refugee Student in a Mainstream School. In: Poetic Inquiry II - Seeing, Understanding, Caring: Using Poetry as and for Inquiry. Galvin, KT and Prendergast, M, eds. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 227-236.
Evans, Megan (2006) Shaking Down Art, Spirituality and Community. In: Art and Soul. Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 75-80.
Gandolfo, Enza ORCID: 0000-0001-9215-2500
Body Hair.
Things that liberate: An Australian feminist Wunderkammer.
Bartlett, A and Henderson, M, eds.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 51-59.
Gandolfo, Enza (2011) It's all make believe: ethics, fiction and a writer's responsibilities. In: The Ethical Imaginations: Writing Worlds Papers: the refereed proceedings of the 16th conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs. Conway-Herron, Janie, Costello, Moya and Hawryluk, Lynda, eds. Australasian Association of Writing Programs, Australia, pp. 1-8.
Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910
In the Dark.
Just between us.
Linden, M, Sved, M, Scott, M, Kon Yu, N and Nieman, C, eds.
Macmillan, Sydney, pp. 195-210.
Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910
Stitching the world together again: finding creative possibilities through theoretical constraints.
The Strange Bedfellows or Perfect Partners Papers : the Refereed Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs 2010.
Cole, Catherine, Freiman, Marcelle and Brien, Donna Lee, eds.
Australian Association of Writing Programs Conference, Guyra, NSW.
Lee, Jenny ORCID: 0000-0002-5383-694X
Normal Service Will Resume : fast fiction for any trip.
Litt, Toby, Falkiner, Katie, Dunford, George, Hunting, Andrew and Mulready, Rose, eds.
Cardigan Press, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, pp. 44-47.
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844
Doing Your best.
Peace, tolerance and understanding : poems from the ACU 2015 Prize for Poetry.
Australian Catholic University, North Sydney, pp. 43-44.
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844
The Hardest Goodbye.
The ACU 2016 Prize for Poetry : Loving Kindness.
Australian Catholic University, North Sydney.
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844
Empathy: poems from the 2018 ACU Prize for Poetry.
Australian Catholic University, North Sydney, NSW, pp. 55-57.
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844
'The Play's the Thing': Performance and Pedagogy.
Drama and Theatre with Children. International Perspectives.
Sharma, C, ed.
Routledge Research in International Comparative Education
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 147-157.
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844
Tears on the Train.
The language of compassion : poetry from the second ACU Literature Prize.
Australian Catholic University, North Sydney, pp. 49-50.
McLaren, Mary-Rose (2012) The 'conscientious scholar': Balancing the roles of researcher, playwright and daughter. In: Discourse, Power, and Resistance Down Under. Vicars, Mark, McKenna, Tarquam and White, Julie, eds. Transgression: Cultural Studies and Education, 88 . Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 189-198.
Nguyen, Tuan Ngoc (2013) Giói thiêu: "Tôi (lê văn) tè - vì thê tôi hièn hũu". In: Tho̕ʾ Lê Văn Tài. Nguyen, Tuan Ngoc, ed. Văn Ḿơi, Gardena, CA, USA, pp. 19-59.
Pelosi, Ligia ORCID: 0000-0003-4505-083X
Hello Old Friend – rediscovering oneself through a bricolage of narrative methodologies.
Discourse, Power, and Resistance Down Under.
McKenna, Tarquam and Vicars, Mark, eds.
Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education, 2
SensePublishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 121-130.
Petsinis, Thomas (2009) Forty-Seven Points. In: Stamping Ground : an Anthology of Poetry and Fiction Set in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne. Thompson, G, ed. Clouds of Magellan, Thornbury, Victoria, ---.
Reilly, Edward (2007) At the Waterfront Mart. In: Altered Parts. Edwards, Brian, ed. Deakin University, Geelong, Vic., pp. 231-233.
Reilly, Edward (2002) Bancoora. In: The Long Poem Anthology. Code, Trevor, Edwards, Di and Edwards, Brian, eds. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia.
Schutt, Stefan (2018) Six Sirens and a Broken Oud. In: Creative Selves / Creative Cultures. Holman Jones, S and Pruyn, M, eds. Creativity, Education and the Arts . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 57-77.
Smith, Karina (2013) Little Miss Muffet meets Spider Anancy: The use of drag in Sistren's Muffet Inna All a Wi. In: The Cross-Dressed Caribbean. Fumagalli, MC, Ledent, B and del Valle Alcala, R, eds. New World Series . University of VIrginia Press, Charlottesville, Virginia, pp. 127-139.
Smith, Karina (2012) The Politics of Collective Creation: Teaching Sistren's Bellywoman Bangarang and Ida revolt inna Jonkonnu Stylee. In: Teaching Anglophone Caribbean Literature. Nair, Supriya M, ed. Options for teaching . Modern Language Association of America, New York, pp. 220-230.
Sonn, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-6175-1030, Smith, Karina and Meyer, Kirsten
Challenging Structural Violence Through Community Drama: Exploring Theatre as Transformative Praxis.
Methodologies in Peace Psychology: Peace Research by Peaceful Means.
Bretherton, D and Law, Siew Fang, eds.
(26th ed.)
Peace Psychology Book Series
Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 293-308.
Sparrow, Jeff, Davidson, Rjurik, Papadopoulos, Angelika and Gandolfo, Enza (2009) Creative Writing in the Enterprise University. In: The Margins and Mainstreams Papers: the refereed proceedings of the 14th conference of the Australian Association of Writing Programs. Australasian Association of Writing Programs.
Trail, Margaret (2001) K-ting! extended play. In: In repertoire : a guide to Australian contemporary performance : circus, physical theatre, outdoor, multimedia site-specific performance. Australia Council for the Arts, Strawberry Hills, N.S.W., p. 22.
Trail, Margaret (2013) New Ways to 'Play On!': Radical Empiricist Philosophy for Football. In: Testimony, Witness, Authority: The Politics and Poetics of Experience. Henriss-Anderssen, S, Mokhtari, T and Clark, T, eds. Cambridge Scholars Publisher, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 2-10.
Walton, Judith May (2009) Still Moving Still. In: Dance Dialogues : Conversations across cultures, artforms, and practices : Proceedings of the World Dance Alliance global summit. World Dance Alliance Global Summit . Australian Dance Council, Brisbane, Queensland.
Weldon, John ORCID: 0000-0002-8103-0636
Multividual: A new story for a new audience.
The Emerging Writer: An Insider's Guide to Your Writing Journey.
Pickering, K, ed.
Emerging Writers' Festival, 03
Emerging Writers' Festival, Melbourne, pp. 151-155.
Welsh, Scott ORCID: 0000-0001-9707-8557
Real Fiction Theatre as Creative Research.
Material Inventions: Applying Creative Arts Research.
Barrett, Estelle and Bolt, Barbara, eds.
I.B.Tauris, London, pp. 124-144.
Welsh, Scott ORCID: 0000-0001-9707-8557 and Nosrat, Mia
Phenomenological Learning in the Northern Territory.
Inclusive Education Is a Right, Right?
Thomas, Matthew KE, Heng, Leechin and Walker, Peter, eds.
Studies in Inclusive Education, 47
BRILL, Amsterdam, pp. 91-105.
Conference or Workshop Item
Clark, Sherryl (2015) Fascinated or haunted? Why we continue to write and rewrite fairy tales. In: Australasian Association of Writing Programs, 20th Annual Conference - Writing the ghost train: rewriting, remaking, rediscovering, 29 November 2015-01 December 2015, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn Campus.
Gandolfo, Enza ORCID: 0000-0001-9215-2500
Don't mention it's a PhD novel.
In: Conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs: The Strange Bedfellows or Perfect Partners Papers, 25 November 2010-27 November 2010, RMIT, Melbourne.
Hall, Emma, Binney, Wayne, Hall, John and Lockstone-Binney, Leonie (2013) The Performance of Bundling: A probabilistic approach to structuring package deals for the performance arts: A case study in opera attendance. In: Academy of Marketing 2013 Conference, 08 July 2013-11 July 2013, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Kon Yu, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0003-2023-6910
Mixing memory with the desire to forget.
In: Annual Australian Association of Writing Programs Conference, 26 November 2009-28 November 2009, Hamilton, New Zealand.
MacFarlane, E, Brophy, K, Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832, Johnson, A, Paterson, E and Caldwell, G
Encounters in the classroom: A case study of peer review of teaching in creative writing.
In: 17th annual Australasian Association of Writing Programs conference, 25 November 2012-27 November 2012, Deakin University, Waterfront Campus, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
Minchinton, Mark (2003) Walking, writing, improvising - conscious-unconscious, Kellerberring-Busselton. In: Inscape Symposium: Australian Research and Training Centre for the Arts in Psychotherapy, 11-13 November 2003, Edith Cowan University.
Taylor, Gretel (2010) The omnipresence of time in place in Australian site-based performance. In: time.transcendence.performance, 1-3 October 2009, Monash University, Caulfield campus.
Golden, Alan (2001) Ethics in the Music Business and its Impact on Popular Music, Society and Culture. Working Paper. Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
Sonn, Christopher ORCID: 0000-0002-6175-1030, Agung-Igusti, Rama and Komba, G
Theatre for change: witness and performer responses to African stories of identity, belonging and community.
Project Report.
Community, Identity and Displacement Research Network, Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria.
(1969) Corroboree. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
(2017) Much ado about Shakespeare. Ballarat National Theatre, Ballarat, Victoria. (Unpublished)
(1992) Radio program schedule script - Koori Survival Show, 2 June 1992. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Balla, Paola ORCID: 0000-0002-1321-1363
Three Is The Magic Number.
Writers Victoria.
Bilbrough, Paola and Kanaris, C (2010) No One Eats Alone: From Sudan to Melbourne. UNSPECIFIED.
Birch, Anthony ORCID: 0000-0001-6106-8832
The Great Unmapping Project of 2016.
Griffith Review, Melbourne.
McLaren, John (1995) Letter from John McLaren to Irene Stephens of the Literature Board re Ouyang Yu's application for a writer's grant. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Minchinton, Mark (2003) Void: Kellerberrin walking. online.
Murray-Smith, Stephen and Williamson, David (1988) Letter from Stephen Murray-Smith to David Williamson. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Pike, Arthur (1985) Letter from Arthur Pike to John McLaren re Arthur's book 'A River to Cross' including Daily News article on Max Boyd and brief synopsis of "A River to Cross". UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Pybus, Cassandra (1995) Letter from Cassandra Pybus to John McLaren re the publishing of Australian Humanities Review on the Internet. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Schutt, Stefan, Cartledge, James and Menegon, Miles (2010) TheStoryMaker: Online Story Creation Engine:. Stefan Schutt.
Smee, Sebastian (1995) Letter from Sebastian Smee to John McLaren re Sebastian's short story "Anything That Flickers". UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Trail, Margaret (2008) 1001 Nights Cast: A durational performance by Barbara Campbell (2005-2008). online.
Ahrens, Lynn and Flaherty, Stephen (2010) Seussical the musical. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Deegan, Denise (2017) Daisy Pulls It Off. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Dodd, Sue (2009) Gossip Pop. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Dodd, Sue (2015) Travelogue Super Uncertain. [Performance]
Dodd, Sue (2013) Wendy Airhole (Exhibition and Performance). [Performance]
Dodd, Sue and Dodd, Phil (2007) Good Morning: City Noise!! [Performance] (Unpublished)
Dodd, Sue and Dodd, Phil (2006) Gossip Pop. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Dodd, Sue and Dodd, Phil (2005) Next week's boring surprise. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Dodd, Sue and Dodd, Phil (2009) Synaesthesia. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Gardner, Sally, Dempster, Elizabeth, Babinskas, Christine, Lara, Reyes de, Walton, Judith May, Rothfield, Philipa, Harris, Joanne and Lloyd, Simon (2010) Dance for the time being. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Kay, Barry, Nethercote, Peter and Roberts, Greg (2015) Who Remembers the Great War? an evening of songs, poems and one act plays. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Kemp, Jenny (2002) Still Angela. [Performance]
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844
A Christmas Carol.
McLaren, Mary-Rose ORCID: 0000-0003-3485-9844 and Nethercote, Peter
Honourable Mentions : a tribute to 125 years of the Royal South Street Society.
Rayson, Hannie (2017) Falling from Grace. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Trail, Margaret and Lewis, Chris (2002) Four nights in a dark room. [Performance] (Submitted)
Vidal, Gore (2016) The Best Man. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Walsh, Enda (2016) The Chatroom Project. [Performance]
Walsh, Enda and Meerbach, Alexandra (2014) Chatroom. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Walton, Judith May and Danko, Aleks (2009) Getting the message through at all costs. [Performance] (Unpublished)
Walton, Judith May and Robinson, Phoebe (2009) Physical Spatial Practice (h) and (i). [Performance] (Unpublished)
Walton, Judith May and Walker, Linda Marie (2009) Tender and True (2). [Performance] (Unpublished)
Welsh, Scott ORCID: 0000-0001-9707-8557
Charles Manson and the Subtle art of radicalisation.
Welsh, Scott ORCID: 0000-0001-9707-8557
The Outcaste Weakly Poet: A Social Statement.
Athanasiou, Nickolas, Roberts, Simon, Gladovic, Vedran and Redzic, Hariz (2016) Intricate Policy. [Show/Exhibition]
Danko, Aleks and Walton, Judith May (2010) A list of positive things for later when things may not be so positive. [Show/Exhibition]
Dodd, Sue (2010) Shangri-La. [Show/Exhibition]
Dodd, Sue (2010) iCovers Au-Go-Go. [Show/Exhibition]
Dodd, Sue and Donaldson, Kim (2010) Technopia Tours - Berlin. [Show/Exhibition]
Dodd, Sue and Donaldson, Kim (2013) Technopia Tours - Singapore. [Show/Exhibition]
Kesminas, Danius, Hannan, Camiolla, Hampson, Simon, Dodd, Sue and Dodd, Phil (2008) Sounds from the Choir Loft I [AC Chapel]. [Show/Exhibition]
Pahoki, Sanja, Trenerry, Bree, Jones, Lyndal, Kostoff, Laresa, McKenzie, Taree, Eaton, Janenne, Dodd, Sue, Donaldson, Kim, Scicluna, Jo, Kitchin, Russell, Kuijer, Jarrah de and Amato, Santina (2008) What is (Australia Like)? a compilation of videos. [Show/Exhibition]
Trail, Margaret (2005) Clearing. [Show/Exhibition]
Trail, Margaret (2004) 'Interview with a Blind Man'. [Show/Exhibition]
Alexander, Kelly (2011) Dark Park: visceral experiments with narrative in dance theatre. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Allen, Delia Frances (2014) This town, last town, next town: the women of sideshow alley and the boxing tents: a novel and exegesis. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Bendrups, Faye (1996) Service station : straying the Australian landscape : a modern Aussie ballad opera. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Berger, Karen (2013) Performing belonging: meeting on and in the earth. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Bodsworth, Roxanne (2020) The Wooing of Choice: Prosimetric Reconstruction of the Female Journey in Irish mythology. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Boyack, Neil Anthony (2020) More than lust in the dust: M.C. William Willshire’s writings and frontier journey as a demonstration of traditional culture. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Breen, Marcus (1996) The popular music industry in Australia : a study of policy reform and retreat, 1982-1996. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Brennand, John (2017) Voice Lab: Songs of being as embodied philosophical inquiry. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Brett, Doris (2002) Eating the underworld : a memoir in three voices. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Broadbent, Lianne Rose (2017) Portrait with Still Life: Re-imagining Silenced Women’s Stories Through Historiographical Metafiction. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Brooke, Sarah (2016) Giving flight to the Imagination : using portraiture to tell the story of Orff Schulwerk and a family music education setting. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Brown, Janet M (1998) The writing and research of the novel 'The Shaded Side'. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Brusaschi, Kylie (2017) Making Poetry: An Anatomy of Troublemaking. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Cameron, Margaret (2012) I shudder to think: performance as philosophy. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Campbell, Marion May (2011) The problem of the poetic revolutionary. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Carroll, Brian Frank (2001) A riotous black man from way down south: an historical novel, exegesis and response to examiners. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Cerne, Helen (2013) Circling Lina: alternative narratives exploring Lina Bryans, the Darebin artists and the self. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Cerne, Helen (1998) Shifting: the creation and theoretical exploration of a collaborative autobiographical novel. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Cervini, Erica (2019) Reading the Silence of My Great-Grandmother: The Role of Life-Writing in Locating the Hidden Life of a Jewish Woman. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Cittadini, Benjamin (2014) Wasted space : performance, public space, urban renewal and identity. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Clark, Sherryl (2017) New (Old) Fairy Tales for New Children. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Clifford, Rohan (2011) Food, water, shelter, fresh air ... and stories: teachers’ creative writing in the classroom. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Cooper, Jayson (2015) Co-creating with, and in, a southern landscape. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Cortese, Raimondo (2014) Hyperrealism and the everyday in creative practice : exegesis, play, novel. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Dale, Graeme (2019) 'Stepping out of the Shadows': an examination of female larrikins in Melbourne and the influence of popular culture on their behaviour (1878-1888); an Exegesis and Documentary Theatre play, ‘Flash Donahs’. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Daw, Josephine (2009) Beyond the studio: the creative process in local, site-related dance. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Dumas, Russell (2014) Necessary incursions : rethinking the unstable body in dance. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Farrow, Erin (2017) Somewhere Between: The Shifting Trends in the Narrative Strategies and Preoccupations of the Young Adult Realistic Fiction Genre in Australia. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Fergus, Larissa (2010) My sister chaos : women and exile : a novel and inter-layered exegesis. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Fitzgerald, Rosemary (2009) The mechanics of blind. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Foster, Duncan (2010) Music and community development: perspectives on relationships, roles and structures in music in community. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
Gandolfo, Enza (1998) My life is over now : a novel and critical commentary. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Gibb, Margaret Ann (2014) The Call to Individuation : Spirituality and Creative Practice. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Harris, Catherine (2015) ‘Kardinia’: a novel and exegesis. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Hegarty, Kathryn (1998) From mountains to molehills : episodes from the life of a survivor : incorporating the exegetical essay, A mirror cracked : women, writing, healing. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Herbertson, Helen (2004) Morphia series. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Holmes, Susan (2013) First Impressions: Writing a contemporary Australian adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Joy, Rosemary (2015) The Appearance of Sound: Listening to Sculptural Percussion. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Kelly, Noelene J (2013) Shoulder to the wind : a lyrical evocation of the Bogong High Plains. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Longley, Alys (2011) Moving words : five instances of dance writing. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Matthews, Rachel (2016) Siren: A Novel and Exegesis Exploring Sexual Violence in Australian Rules Football. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Meany, Michael M (2014) The performance of comedy by artificial intelligence agents. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Mitchell, Tracie (2013) Moving pictures: dance screen making as a choreographic process. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Muirden, Sallie (2001) We too shall be mothers : her story, our story, history: feminism and postmodernism in the contemporary historical novel. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Nikakis, Karen Simpson (1997) The use of narrative in order to break the masculine domination of the hero quest. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Nix, Heather (2000) Treasure : an exploration in the writing of the self. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
O'Shea, Helen F. (2005) Foreign bodies in the river of sound : seeking identity and Irish traditional music. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Patrick, Trevor (2011) The form of possibilities : the body remembered and remembering in the built environment. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Pelosi, Ligia (2017) Whispering into knowing: teachers as creative beings. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Peltz, Philipp (2014) Artist-entrepreneuship in the digital recording industry : emergence, practices and implications. PhD thesis, Macquarie University.
Pranauskas, Grazina (2014) Torn : the story of a Lithuanian migrant. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Reilly, Edward (2000) Deluge : a collection of original poetry with exegesis. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.
Romano, Paul Dominic (2012) History of a particular it: a fictional narrative of practice. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
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Sargent-Wishart, Kimberley (2016) Making nothing out of something: emptiness, embodiment, and creative activity. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
Sastradipradja, Linda (2018) Agency, Authorship and Embodied Aesthetics: The Dancer as Auteur. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
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Schroeter, Gillian Lee (2015) The school production – to be or not to be? PhD thesis, Victoria University.
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Sharp, Helen Frances (2014) The Profane Halo: Becoming Breath. PhD thesis, Victoria University.
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Snowball, Georgia (2011) Memos: the imagination of memory. Research Master thesis, Victoria University.
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