Pathways to higher education : the efficacy of enabling and sub-bachelor pathways for disadvantaged students

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Pitman, T, Trinidad, S, Devlin, Marcia ORCID: 0000-0001-6311-9103, Harvey, A, Brett, Matt and McKay, J (2016) Pathways to higher education : the efficacy of enabling and sub-bachelor pathways for disadvantaged students. Technical Report. Curtin University. National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.

Additional Information

Commissioned by: Australian Government. Department of Education and Training

Item type Monograph (Technical Report)
Official URL
ISBN 9780992356095
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1301 Education Systems
Current > Division/Research > Chancellery
Keywords enabling courses; equity group students; student success; student retention; undergraduate courses; domestic students; higher education; Australia
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