The Digital Mediation of Everyday Lives in the City: Young People Negotiating Troubled Transitions During COVID-19

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Walsh, Lucas ORCID: 0000-0002-7224-2135, Waite, Catherine, Gallo Cordoba, Beatriz ORCID: 0000-0002-7335-4534 and Mikola, Masha (2023) The Digital Mediation of Everyday Lives in the City: Young People Negotiating Troubled Transitions During COVID-19. In: Sociological Research and Urban Children and Youth. Berman, R, Albanese, P and Chen, X, eds. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 32 . Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 47-64.

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Item type Book Section
DOI 10.1108/S1537-466120230000032004
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ISBN 9781801174459
Subjects Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 4410 Sociology
Current > Division/Research > Mitchell Institute
Keywords pandemic; lockdowns; young Australians; digital technology; digital media; human cohabitation; work; study; socialising
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