Critical Issues in the Australian Chinese Student Market

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Davidson, Michael, Wang, Ying and King, Brian (2008) Critical Issues in the Australian Chinese Student Market. In: Cultural And Event Tourism: Issues and Debates. Akdeniz University, Turkey, pp. 1-17.


Chinese students studying in Australia are a significant sub-segment within the inbound tourism market. Additionally, the income that they generate for Australia universities is substantial and many university budgets are heavily dependent on the associated revenue. Despite the size and importance of the market, little is known about these students. This study of Chinese Master students examines purchase decisions and study experiences. Relevant data for this investigation has been gathered using focus groups, interviews and questionnaires. It was found that student purchase decisions were influenced by a combination of educational and non-educational factors and that Australian destination marketers need to focus more on the wider living environment when attempting to attract these students. Cross cultural issues were identified as major challenges for student learning and living in Australia. Overall the study experience of Chinese students were perceived as highly valuable.

Item type Book Section
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Hospitality Tourism and Marketing
Historical > FOR Classification > 1506 Tourism
Historical > SEO Classification > 9003 Tourism
Keywords ResPubID: 15082, Chinese students, international education, tourism market, Australia
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