Optimum design of structures with stability constraints using the evolutionary optimisation method

Manickarajah, Dhayanthi (1998) Optimum design of structures with stability constraints using the evolutionary optimisation method. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


In the past most of the works on structural optimisation have been based on either mathematical programming or optimality criteria methods and have mainly concentrated on static responses of structures. These optimisation methods are mathematically complex and have limited applications. A novel approach to structural optimisation is being developed for practical applications based on the concept of slowly removing the inefficient material or gradually shifting the material from the strongest part of the structure to the weakest part until the structure evolves towards the desired optimum. From the results of finite element analysis, the contribution of each element to the required structural response may be assessed. Based on this assessment, material is gradually shifted or removed in the design domain. In doing so optimum designs can be easily achieved without resorting to any complex mathematics. This optimisation procedure is called Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (ESO). This project examines the suitability of the ESO for the design of structures with buckling constraints.

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/15258
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0905 Civil Engineering
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Engineering and Science
Keywords Structural optimization, structural design, buckling, civil engineering, structural engineering,
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